Saturday, May 8, 2010

My Moms Feet Smell Good

Understanding Mind and the iPhone does not get along with LJ

I posted this morning around 4:15 from the iPhone (Safari to be exact) but I see that it did not take the post then propose again:

The end of an evening of chance.

I visited a friend of mine (Eugene, what I had to live the tape on her nipples), it was 23:10, in a cocktail bar (Gazebo, if one day you were to move from Parma, I strongly suggest you stop and drink), where he worked as a waiter / bartender apprentice. Detach the two. He decides to go eat at McDonald's (I hate that place), and arrived at the car note with sympathy that was blocked by another car parked in two rows, with four flashing arrows and the open window, but without someone to inside or nearby. Doubtful we wonder what we should do effetivamene. So given that we had neither time nor desire to call the tow truck or for what the owner decides to opt for the most sensible action: I step on the machine in a double row (it was open, and then tell me I'm too pessimist about the average intelligence of the Italian boys!), I put in neutral and take off the handbrake. Given the slope of the road the car moves, then pull the handbrake, put the gear I go out and shut the door. Now that we can get on the machine Eugenio head towards the capitalist chain of fast food. After witnessing the spectacle of five dell'ingozzamento cheesburger by his return home. We park and head towards the house (he lives just before me, so I nearly always because the road is pretty much the same) we see that a group of boys (Truzzi) is still in front wing of the army Jeep with Carabinieri included. One of these is separated from the group and stop us asking
"Oi uncle, thou hast a straw?" Usually in these situations
Eugi knows how I act, but as it is fun to do and then let me say:
"No do not look Native smoke."
him, with the words worthy of the best rock, continues
"Oh by the uncle, we are friends, uncle, I give you the feel or the keta from coca, MDMA?" ;
Since there is no point talking to people who do not want to understand me I turn and I go, I Eugi follows. He
failing, of course, get the point again before you pour angry and said:
"Oh beautiful nose there tomorrow, I'll take a hundred friends and getting caught by a lamata, unless you bring me a pack of cigarettes now."
Eugi very briefly brings out the conversation by calling a Policeman who takes the boy along with the rest of the group. After returning home, before beginning to read about my last thought was:



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