Thursday, May 6, 2010

How To Draw A Heart Wrapped In Razor Wire

Section 1 - A very distant future. And consequently

Here I present the first "section" of the first chapter of the story "Whiskerbell and other abstract theories" and that I plan to continue weekly, I hope you will like as much as it pleased me to invent.

"Whiskerbell and other abstract theories"

Etienne Delacroix

Section 1 - a future not very remote


The city is clean, synchronized, shining. The car lights are reflected in the mirrored glass of homes and small offices by creating evanescent light spectra.
Whiskerbell jumped up from a rumore.Poco suspicious after a man with a listless face, dressed all in white, emerges from the corner into a trash bag in hand. As a logical nature walks away with mistrust feline Whiskerbell
"Native ... simulacra of men ..." he thought, but was interrupted by the same noise coming from the same lane exits with the same man the same lot of that garbage.
"Dejavu glitch ... ... damn I do not understand, dejavu i am a human thing only they can have ... I'm just ... a program for continued penetrating the dark alleyways of London that he had nothing more human, almost. In 2020 a group of scientists managed to find a way to fully interact with the human brain is a computer, decoding each brain process in strings of code, and thus enabling man to "merge" with the machine, this also thanks development of nanotechnology: developments underwent ever seen a surge leading to the creation of a new social system, the 'Epistemogarchia.
Whiskerbell came into the local suburban sprawl, where you can find people like him. Robotics, artificial intelligence, machine.
"Here's our hero!" Felt just entered the room, a mechanical mouse behind the counter and waved Whiskerbell; sitting on two legs, caught sitting on a stool a little rickety. The place was very run-down: from neon and LED lights malfunctioned what could be seen was a few tables of dirty motor oil and chip around the room. Not that the score was better: they were looking sloppy robot to give meaning to their pathetic lives with high-voltage electrical discharges directly into the processor.
"Cheshire Then, you take tonight?" Said the mouse with a smile.
"Nothing ... and do not call Cheshire, Donovan ..." said Whiskerbell seriously.
"Hey hey hey how we are likely tonight, what happened? No kittens around ... eh? "Winked the rat Donovan.
"Donovan natives, the natives .... I think he's about to happen," continued the cat frown.
Donovan laughed mechanical Whiskerbell, quick as the wind, the bartender grabbed by the neck into the wall.
"If you must tell me something ugly disgusting, they want answers!" Whiskerbell's eyes were bright red but the poor friend while letting go of them returned with a green emerald.
"next friend, do not get mad at me ... you know you can trust ... and not think ... in short, the natives who form a resistance movement forward ... do not believe even you .. . it is not possible, "Donovan said, trembling, visibly frightened.
"Let us hope so ... we hope it is just so ..." he took leave seriously the cat as he left the club.
Not that I feared but it was one of the few really advanced technology inside them: a cat composed entirely of liquid crystals, pure technology of the Party High. As he walked towards the main road this was the calm to the point of absurdity: pure silence, no prostitutes on the corners, no police sirens. Only silence and the light of street lamps. His thoughts were swallowed reality as a huge black hole. "Nature does not exist anymore, there are more trees, the seas are only stretches of cold metal, the animals were gradually replaced with copies of mechanical properties. The men, those few remaining are locked in their courts, in government buildings, schools, universities. The others are all native men whom the brain has been completely re-programmed to make only a few actions, have no feelings, they are soulless, mindless, no interest or desire, are basically machines meat. And then why run certain items? Around because it is said that someone was able to recover their mental faculties and that they are forming a movement to overthrow the Party? And which way should I be? No, the system does not fail, it is logically impossible, the system can not fail because The system was created by them, as I am of the rest. "
While her mind drew up all the various processes requiring necessary to solve these questions, the night was ending its course and a new day would come. A new day in electronic utopia that was the London of 2062


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