Monday, May 31, 2010

Church Welcome Card Sample

idiot on Dragon Age

Since recently I have neither time nor much to write on this blog, rekindle a bit 'the environment' is schifezzuola here, splashed just for fun: Alistair and Nimue 02.
Sooner or later I will remember to include links to these horrors in my tail a few of my long chapter on Nimue?
the way, I updated Saturday in Chapter seventeen and yesterday I finished the twenty-first: now I have to write about Orzammar, it will be difficult.



Friday, May 28, 2010

Depilatory Cream Brands

aether1984 @ 2010-05-29T01: 59:00

my eyes.
Synthetic flavor. Plastic
my heart.
dream of a synthetic flesh,
serial memories,

"Your flesh is a relic, a mere container. Renounce your flesh and open eyes to a wonderful new world. It's an order. "

I'd like a nightclub without sound, only vibrations colored, with electrical signals and words, a hundred miles wide where not to hear.

What am I missing?

microchip emotional.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Flight Simulator Chair

Apart from my complete lack of confidence and well known in the human race I have to admit that my research is at a standstill.
I can not understand the pattern of feelings, I can not formalized in any language is not natural, from the mathematical logical.
(Apart from the fun episode that in the future tell the psychoanalyst that Saturday morning I was diagnosed a "severe affective and humoral deficit "only because his tests were stupid and annoying I snoccialato some truths about modern society)
are at a standstill.
When walking I see things as they are, I have the overview:
- a moving object: physical
- two people who speak:
logic - the proportions, the buildings, brick, clouds, the sound: mathematics
Generally everything that I can see inquadralo in these three sciences. Yet:
- two people arguing: Anger ...?
- two people who look sweet and tender in manienra: Love ...?
What are they?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Registering Boats In Canada

Occasionally I still do the drawing ...

Of course I talk about silly, not serious designs, eh.
Since two days ago I ran, I jumped two fanart in Super Deformer still on Dragon Age: Origins (and my long-fiction) and have come out of these two sgorbietti here:

Alistair & Morrigan Morrigan

, Nimue & Leliana

Sooner or later, maybe I can draw something more serious ...

nice day!


PS Since I have almost completed the chapter winds, tomorrow I should update the long!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Tempat Foto Di Jakarta

inconclusive results can be done! Syntax Error

There! I started to scratch the surface but you can do.
data, I need only
Currently more data must be stored at math, but physiological!
theory begins to take shape!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How Do I Change My Name On My National Insurance

Congratulations to Kira and Cagalli! \u0026lt;3

I have a mad desire to kill someone. I vent to my avatar, leaving the opportunity to crush Athrun Cagalli. (Who knows who will have ever done, the poor man ... XD)

Beyond my dark mood, however, today I was finally able to shut that bloody chapter nineteen of long on Dragon Age: none I piùùù! By the way, As it, I updated Sunday the fifteenth chapter. The sixteenth and seventeenth I do not like at all, but the next two are quite satisfied. \u0026lt;3 Though, I swear, last I wrote I was about to flay alive (and badness) with me: throughout the first part is only dislike! XD
stake in Frascati, today is the birthday of the twins Hibiki! ♥
Sky-sama, for the occasion, created this wonder: sky-az/ac & ~ kl-16.jpg
It is not fantastic? ♥ I love Kira's hand that pushes away from Athrun Cagalli! XD

Friday I bought The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes . I hate the yellow. Or rather, what is a genre that does not attract me at all. But I have always said that if I had never read one, I would have started by the writings of Conan Doyle. To encourage the purchase, however, were two things: 1
. I heard from two of my dearest friends who Sherlock Holmes is real similar to that of Robert Downey Jr (♥) that the usual clichés that you see around;
2. the modest price of 1.90 € ultrascontato all'Ipercoop.
XD The book I have it. Now I just have to wait for me is the desire to read it. Among other things, I'm glad that this is a collection of stories, so I can read them at a distance of time from one another without losing the logical link in which case I had to bother with at least twenty pages.

What else? Ah, yes. One of my old friend (we know from first grade) just today I called it "clever and sharp." That is ... and say that I know well, wow! XD Usually I make that impression on people I've just met, not people who walk by me between one life and who knows what kind of demented are XD

Okay, at least I can go to sleep laughing today.

Good evening and good night everyone!


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ohios License Hollogram

Welcome back, Ichigo! : D

Oh-oh-oh! ♥

I managed to do a decent sketch. That is, in fact, is full of errors and nothing like the cartoon from which I plagiarized, but this Ichigo Kurosaki I like it anyway. è_é
Moreover, happily giving me a hoe feet, I made a commitment with my friend Kuruccha, she came back almost at the same time on my Deviantart. Our motto now is: a sketch a day keeps the laziness away!
XD And I'm just stupid, because I have given myself, 'this thing, but knowing they will not be able to keep that promise. I will work to succeed! > _ \u0026lt;

Today I have what some artistic talent, though, because I could finally write a few short pages of the nineteenth chapter in the long on Dragon Age . I know that between Friday and Saturday I will have very little time to move on, but at least I managed to unlock a bit '.
We hope to arrive at least half a chapter before Monday, because I would like to update earlier this week ...

Good evening to all!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Off White Comic Wikipedia

for her amusement '... Frustration

Yesterday I took a pencil in hand to spend some 'time to scribble on a piece and I must say it to me somehow ... released. I spent my childhood and adolescence to do things like that, even at the university (However, I still have always seventeen, eh!), I do not get enough of it.
now prefer to write, I think I'll be even better. I'm sorry but you completely lost his hand in the design. ç_ç

I can not draw in the "classic", unfortunately: I am a daughter of manga.
So, after many attempts, I had to face facts and realize that if we want to draw something inherent in Dragon Age, I have to do with my style, although it is light years away from reality ;.

Not long ago, I produced this Nimue, and yesterday I did a sketch of Morrigan (from memory) and one in SD and Alistair Nimue. Here, the SD is probably the thing I'm better, so I know that I will focus only on that. XD (At least until I take her hand.)

last thing: I know that post tot ago I said that I upgrade my Dragon Age long on the weekends, but now at least three chapters in this part I did earlier this week. They personified the inconsistency (on this kind of thing, thankfully). Please forgive me. ç_ç

Thank you and good day. ^ ^


PS I remembered that I promised a gallery compromising on my elf wizard ... Comes, comes. XD

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What Kind Of Pool Table Felt Do I Use

Schemi.Teorie.Numeri.Connettivi.Linguaggi, Formalizzazione.BASIC.Intelligenza Artificiale.Pi Greco.Schemi.Teorie.Il problem sentimento.Quantificatori.Numeri Astratti.Divisione for zero.Topologia.
Algebra lineare.Meccanica.Differenza of potenziale.Elettronica.Cerchi of fumo.Schemi.Teorie.Numeri.

Everything has a pattern. There is nothing


Zero exists?





I hate sleep.

Valium begins to make effect.

I rest my brain.

Syntax Error.

Monday, May 10, 2010

How Big Of A Ladder Do I Need

Today they gave me a very bad news.
A person who knew no more. I will not be here to say who he was, what he did, what happened and so on. I do not write this post to raise the curiosity of someone.

I write this post to say once again to two persons who are very, very fond of him close and that I broke your heart in front of my impotence. I can not stay with them, I can not do anything to help them. There is consolation in certain situations, I realize, but would still be able to embrace these something my friends to send them all my love.

Have patience so if I'm not "stupid" as usual, not in the mood.

To anyone walking here to read these few lines, always try to get along with people to whom you hold, not let them suffer for selfish whims of whatever kind they are. Vogliatevi always good.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Milena Velba Free Mov


I read a beautiful story, Wolf, that inspired me this:

Vibrations colored.

Etienne Delcroix

\u0026lt;/ begin>

I'd like a nightclub without sound, only vibrations

with electrical signals and words in which you can not hear.

The flavor is synthetic.
The mechanical heart.
I do not overestimate.
Being able to observe the noise from the power of the flesh.
around me wanting to create a generation gap.

I'd like a nightclub without sound,
only vibrations colored
with electrical signals and words,
in which you can not die.

numbers of councils control the economy,
(Love is just a nod theoretical)
The memory is capable of holding
(the action is electric)

thinking is logical. I would like a Pinocchio

I fixed it with your eyes,
kept alive by neural impulses.

I do not overestimate. I would like a

disoteca without sound, only vibrations
with electrical signals and words,
in which we should not wish for.

If you do not ask for help.

My entry in dispersed sea.

rains. The city turns off
eyes are disabled.
The routine is broken.

\u0026lt;/ end>


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Can You Get Herpes From Sharing Clothes

discovered with pleasure that I accept the LJ post facts from Safari on the iPhone. This is good because I can post just about anywhere (like last night from the cocktail bar)!

We come now to the main theme: a reflection that I share with you on understanding.

evening with my dearest friend, with whom I shared five years of high school together almost always told me that he wants to try hard drugs because, according to her, her life has no meaning. Now I have wavered at the news: if something actually does not make sense to pursue it is not worth more then I would have recommended that another suicide, however, life is influenced by the time factor and what today might not seem to make sense can actually have it tomorrow. The drug is in fact completely illogical as it brings no benefit in the long term and what is lost is always more than what you earn. I advised this person to analyze well all his life and find a way, if you do not find him then he can do whatever he wants (which is known to be a foolish assumption it can draw any conclusion). The problem is solved easily. Now the real question is : why I find it so easy to understand abstract algebra, the metaphysical theories, and diagrams of things and instead do an incredible FATCA to understand the mental processes of the people? In the end I think you get there but it is a process so complex to me that I can Verame difficult sometimes to understand people.

"For every mathematician who has never regretted having missed a calculation, which is already bad enough in itself, remains a logical sense to me that it did not help, now that the three plus three I can not understand you"

This text slightly modified Branduardi makes good sense.
Why can I so easily find the patterns of reality, but I find it very difficult understand when a person is expressing his feelings? They create confusion and make people act so stupid and contradictory, it should be so complex? They are basically primitive and imprecise reasoning, yet they have enslaved the people, why?

My Moms Feet Smell Good

Understanding Mind and the iPhone does not get along with LJ

I posted this morning around 4:15 from the iPhone (Safari to be exact) but I see that it did not take the post then propose again:

The end of an evening of chance.

I visited a friend of mine (Eugene, what I had to live the tape on her nipples), it was 23:10, in a cocktail bar (Gazebo, if one day you were to move from Parma, I strongly suggest you stop and drink), where he worked as a waiter / bartender apprentice. Detach the two. He decides to go eat at McDonald's (I hate that place), and arrived at the car note with sympathy that was blocked by another car parked in two rows, with four flashing arrows and the open window, but without someone to inside or nearby. Doubtful we wonder what we should do effetivamene. So given that we had neither time nor desire to call the tow truck or for what the owner decides to opt for the most sensible action: I step on the machine in a double row (it was open, and then tell me I'm too pessimist about the average intelligence of the Italian boys!), I put in neutral and take off the handbrake. Given the slope of the road the car moves, then pull the handbrake, put the gear I go out and shut the door. Now that we can get on the machine Eugenio head towards the capitalist chain of fast food. After witnessing the spectacle of five dell'ingozzamento cheesburger by his return home. We park and head towards the house (he lives just before me, so I nearly always because the road is pretty much the same) we see that a group of boys (Truzzi) is still in front wing of the army Jeep with Carabinieri included. One of these is separated from the group and stop us asking
"Oi uncle, thou hast a straw?" Usually in these situations
Eugi knows how I act, but as it is fun to do and then let me say:
"No do not look Native smoke."
him, with the words worthy of the best rock, continues
"Oh by the uncle, we are friends, uncle, I give you the feel or the keta from coca, MDMA?" ;
Since there is no point talking to people who do not want to understand me I turn and I go, I Eugi follows. He
failing, of course, get the point again before you pour angry and said:
"Oh beautiful nose there tomorrow, I'll take a hundred friends and getting caught by a lamata, unless you bring me a pack of cigarettes now."
Eugi very briefly brings out the conversation by calling a Policeman who takes the boy along with the rest of the group. After returning home, before beginning to read about my last thought was:


Friday, May 7, 2010

Yellowish Lump On Tonsil

cameras night

I can not sleep.
I know well. So
The social problem.
Why boys prefer to get drunk and be disruptive in one's neighbor rather than to study and make a profit? I do not understand. I wish I could have access to cameras in the city, see the herd of people, left free, does things so illogical.
Is this the man? In part.
variables, too many variables, in the social fabric in order to create a precise pattern. Because violence must dominate the streets? Why fight? The "natural" law of the jungle is wrong, this condition is not acceptable.
I would like to have access to the cameras at night to understand what is the limit of human stupidity.
The selection must be unnatural!
There must be no free variables. A
Sometimes I wonder:
"Am I wrong that seeing so much difference between me and my peers?".
No, I do not consider to be in error.
But I do not understand.
Not yet.

Etienne Delacroix

\u0026lt;\\ end>

Thursday, May 6, 2010

How To Draw A Heart Wrapped In Razor Wire

Section 1 - A very distant future. And consequently

Here I present the first "section" of the first chapter of the story "Whiskerbell and other abstract theories" and that I plan to continue weekly, I hope you will like as much as it pleased me to invent.

"Whiskerbell and other abstract theories"

Etienne Delacroix

Section 1 - a future not very remote


The city is clean, synchronized, shining. The car lights are reflected in the mirrored glass of homes and small offices by creating evanescent light spectra.
Whiskerbell jumped up from a rumore.Poco suspicious after a man with a listless face, dressed all in white, emerges from the corner into a trash bag in hand. As a logical nature walks away with mistrust feline Whiskerbell
"Native ... simulacra of men ..." he thought, but was interrupted by the same noise coming from the same lane exits with the same man the same lot of that garbage.
"Dejavu glitch ... ... damn I do not understand, dejavu i am a human thing only they can have ... I'm just ... a program for continued penetrating the dark alleyways of London that he had nothing more human, almost. In 2020 a group of scientists managed to find a way to fully interact with the human brain is a computer, decoding each brain process in strings of code, and thus enabling man to "merge" with the machine, this also thanks development of nanotechnology: developments underwent ever seen a surge leading to the creation of a new social system, the 'Epistemogarchia.
Whiskerbell came into the local suburban sprawl, where you can find people like him. Robotics, artificial intelligence, machine.
"Here's our hero!" Felt just entered the room, a mechanical mouse behind the counter and waved Whiskerbell; sitting on two legs, caught sitting on a stool a little rickety. The place was very run-down: from neon and LED lights malfunctioned what could be seen was a few tables of dirty motor oil and chip around the room. Not that the score was better: they were looking sloppy robot to give meaning to their pathetic lives with high-voltage electrical discharges directly into the processor.
"Cheshire Then, you take tonight?" Said the mouse with a smile.
"Nothing ... and do not call Cheshire, Donovan ..." said Whiskerbell seriously.
"Hey hey hey how we are likely tonight, what happened? No kittens around ... eh? "Winked the rat Donovan.
"Donovan natives, the natives .... I think he's about to happen," continued the cat frown.
Donovan laughed mechanical Whiskerbell, quick as the wind, the bartender grabbed by the neck into the wall.
"If you must tell me something ugly disgusting, they want answers!" Whiskerbell's eyes were bright red but the poor friend while letting go of them returned with a green emerald.
"next friend, do not get mad at me ... you know you can trust ... and not think ... in short, the natives who form a resistance movement forward ... do not believe even you .. . it is not possible, "Donovan said, trembling, visibly frightened.
"Let us hope so ... we hope it is just so ..." he took leave seriously the cat as he left the club.
Not that I feared but it was one of the few really advanced technology inside them: a cat composed entirely of liquid crystals, pure technology of the Party High. As he walked towards the main road this was the calm to the point of absurdity: pure silence, no prostitutes on the corners, no police sirens. Only silence and the light of street lamps. His thoughts were swallowed reality as a huge black hole. "Nature does not exist anymore, there are more trees, the seas are only stretches of cold metal, the animals were gradually replaced with copies of mechanical properties. The men, those few remaining are locked in their courts, in government buildings, schools, universities. The others are all native men whom the brain has been completely re-programmed to make only a few actions, have no feelings, they are soulless, mindless, no interest or desire, are basically machines meat. And then why run certain items? Around because it is said that someone was able to recover their mental faculties and that they are forming a movement to overthrow the Party? And which way should I be? No, the system does not fail, it is logically impossible, the system can not fail because The system was created by them, as I am of the rest. "
While her mind drew up all the various processes requiring necessary to solve these questions, the night was ending its course and a new day would come. A new day in electronic utopia that was the London of 2062

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What To Write Cancer Patients

We are here ... this post has no intention of opening to let you wait until another post: more what else I decided to get familiar with the formal content of this journal that a friend advised me to do. I will talk mainly about what goes through my mind. Illustrate several processes, theories and more.
Still, I'm going to publish some "poetry" (hate that term) and different reflections.

For now I think it tutto.Ad However do not expect something "light."

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Catchy Phrases For Church Clean Up

Come back from Comicon ...

past Friday in Naples. Beautiful day, warm sun and pleasant company. In short, I enjoyed it. ♥

The fair this year is at the Mostra d'Oltremare, until tomorrow, while in Castel Sant 'Elmo remained the shows, I think (not being passed from there, I could tell a lie, so sieve). The distribution of the stand is better than the other years, but there was something that just does not have sent down: The entrance fee is 10 € (last year only 6) , and applies to all three days Comicon, regardless of whether one can go there one day. For those of Naples, or at least down there the whole weekend, it's really a great price, but people like me is forced to make a hit and run, has only one big catch. Why then do as the previous years, where he was free to make a single ticket or one that was worth for the duration of the fair?
What a shame.

Apart from that, the rest went well. I was happy to have met [info] ike_chan ! (She maybe a little 'less poor) And I hope to embrace even somewhere else, perhaps at Romics.
^ ^ Personally, as usual, I made a few purchases (and I would emphasize that for each of them have spent less than the price of admission), but well targeted.
First I retrieved the No. 4 Utena I had ordered more than a year ago in comic books and I never arrived. As luck would have it also I paid only 2.5 €. Actually I love Saito in part, because it creates a compelling story and beautiful that they do not arrive until mid-series, because then you lose behind the things that really make me fall in his arms. Think Kanon , for example, or, worse, at Our Lady of Garland, which I loved so much in the early volumes, and that but in the end I wanted to throw off the balcony. With Utena are the usual: I read the latch by a friend several years ago, and another gave me the entire series that he wanted to give away, except for that No. 4 was left with an acquaintance. They told me that the animated version is better. Sooner or later I will look.
After years, I decided to spend a bit of a gashpon One Piece . But just because it was cheap and because the subjects I liked to surprise everyone: Nami, Nojiko and Bibi (all three in two versions) and also Konis (single version). I came out Nojiko with a tangerine in his left hand, and I must say that it is very well done. ♥
My latest purchase, however, is was completely unexpected, and perhaps the only thing that concerns could be on Gundam SEED at Comicon 2010: Athrun with ZAFT uniform, standing on a rocky ground, behind the head dell'Aegis damaged after the detonation the clash with the strike, and the dagger of either MS stuck to the ground. ♥ ♥ ♥
Plus my friend [info] black_mamba81 gave me a BEAUTIFUL Destiny Athrun, with a lot of FAITH badge on the uniform, and well model of the Justice ... everything from assemble! Chewbacca XD Luckily my brother has offered to help me, because otherwise we'd put a year to assemble ... Oh, and I also got a pucciosissima stuffed monkey dressed like a chick, because she says that is a duck and a monkey put together. (Which is true: sooner or later everybody comes to this conclusion, and maybe I should start to worry ...)

course soon will post photos of Nojiko, both Athrun and plush. To that of Justice, but ... well, you have to wait. XD

Oh, then! * _ * I found a spectacular stand (which was the same in which I took to gashpon Nojiko) where, in addition to two novels, there was also the strategic leadership of Dragon Age, and of course I got slingshots instantly. Just a pity that I have been a disincentive to the purchase price (though the seller had offered very kind to give me a further discount). Unfortunately I did not have much money with me, so I had to give it up. Actually I spent everything I had in my wallet, apart from a note I had given my father for the sake ... But because they are used to advance something to avoid being completely broke, I had to resist the temptation. But perhaps if the price of admission was the lowest ... Ugh! The organizers feel me! Damn! + _ +
Ah, always friendly seller from the above, I learned that there is a possibility that the action figures Dragon Age come out in July rather than settembreee! *___* I hope, hope! ♥ ♥ ♥

OK, for now I close here, looking to add more details when they post the photos.

Good weekend to all!
