Thursday, June 24, 2010

Example Of Army Counseling Statement For A Dui

The student who surpassed the master.

day I had the power to calculate the proportions and weave them, but the men I could never understand, because they combine through love.
Now I know ... nothing but pure logic networks ... the presence or absence of electricity.
The research team is composed of: a logical (I), a mathematician, an electronic engineer and a doctor. Trema
man ... because we will destroy your dreams, kill your irrationality and we will take you to a new order, perfect and computable.
Imagine being able to control their feelings with
logical-mathematical science, imagine a world without those stupid behaviors that lead to chaos. This will be possible. We have formalized all the love in his behavior and we have created the algorithm. This message is for all lovers: finally start my experiments on you!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Client Investment Questionnaire

Surana Nimue! * O *

I had no idea! So much so that when I came across a fanfiction on I initially feared plagiarism, but no! Since Ever After was published in November last year, while my Nimue debuted on EFP only four months ago. Among other things, the long
of Zerbinetta focuses on pairing Nimue / Teagan, so it really has nothing to do with the adventures of my witch elf. ^ ^ Rather, I hope not to be accused of plagiarism! O_O It would be comical. XD
However now I'm curious to read this long, so I'll do as soon as possible: D

Before I forget, I posted today, the fourth shot of the collection Fragments . ^ ^

Oh, yesterday I showed Dragon Age: Origins two friends of mine - it was the least after breaking their boxes for months - and they loved it! ♥ We've created a Cousland together and died on the comments of one of them who wanted to be Ser Gilmore, and already had positive opinions about Dad Cousland wasted. XD
After they asked me to upload my file to see Nimue e. .. Well, just saw Alistair they exclaimed in chorus: "How cool!" (I will not and I consider it to be orba this?) is the friend who wanted Ser Gilmore forced me to make Nimue kissing and Alistair, meanwhile wondering if you saw something else - namely the red-light content.
XD The apotheosis, however, was when - you always - saw Morrigan and, very serious, he asked me: "She's a prostitute?"

How nice to play together! ♥

soon! ^ O ^


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Bahrainsport Frequence

I need to go to the beach ... Want to

Because I feel like it. Although not yet completely sick of being in town (strange but true).

Apart this morning I finished reading Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle . Many did not like, but I do. It is true that there are too many, too many things left open (I speak of the various worlds of the characters, starting with the same Fay and Kurogane, Watanuki and Yuko's because I'm sure will also be covered in xxxHolic ) but in fact the story of Tsubasa is over. Ah, among other things since I got number 25 which both players wore the same name. But okay.
I read just now on Wikipedia that there is a erroraccio presentation of the character of Sakura:

Princess of the Kingdom of Clow. It has a mysterious power that even she is aware. It is completely unaware of Syaoran's feelings, which she considers a simple childhood friend. It's a girl happy and smiling, but also caring and strong. Syaoran agrees with a very cruel fate at his own expense because he discovers to be a true copy of the sakura then meet in the final battle with Fei Wong Reed. Matches Sakura Kinomoto of Card Captor Sakura . Eventually anche'ella last volume of the manga reveals his real name, which throughout history has always been kept secret, ie Tsubasa.

And this is not true. Sakura Kinomoto, the original, Sakura is not the same that we encounter in the various dimensions of Tsubasa RC , or so I have heard. But if I were wrong, well come here to stick, please!
As I understand it, Sakura Kinomoto is just what you see in the dreams of Sakura of Tsubasa RC . To be clear, is that, in the uniform of the school that we saw in the last pages of Card Captor Sakura , gives his scepter to her namesake (which is not the same name, as it is called Tsubasa).

To confirm this, if I remember correctly, in one of the first issues of the manga xxxHolic (if not the first), Yuko tells Watanuki that the scepter is in the warehouse is a false, and that the real one belonged to a girl . Not an adult woman.

* goes to get the manga for safety *

Yeah. I was right. I think. O_o There
I copy the lines.

Yuko: (Regarding the scepter false) Who created it was a bad person and the original has a nice girl, who seems to have a blood relationship with that tipaccio
Watanuki: It is not that If that guy is also a relative? (Arrow Yuko. XD)
Yuko: Why should I have blood ties with him?
Watanuki: Why is a shady individual ...
Yuko: I'm seriously altering ... He is a colleague of long standing ... An object so cute is not suited to that evil bespectacled ... I have not met neither the girl nor her pretty young knight ... However ... I feel that will happen soon ... but will not be the same ... for those kids ...

In all this I understand that the scepter (true) obviously belongs to Sakura Kinomoto, but as Yuko, about his meeting with Sakura and Sharoan says "will not be the same," I assume that will not be Sakura Kinomoto and Syaoran Li Card Captor Sakura . Again, maybe I'm wrong, but this is the idea that I have done. But I know
that CLAMP is well-versed in complicated stories and always leave you with a thousand questions. XD Or maybe I'm stupid. What is very likely. ^ ^

EDIT: further detail. In xxxHolic and Tsubasa RC straripetuto that is said and Sakura and Syaoran (Tsubasa Tsubasa and or) were born the same day, namely April 1. Well, apart from the fact that if you call can not be both Tsubasa Sakura and Syaoran of Card Captor Sakura , just remember that Li Syaoran of Card Captor Sakura was born July 13, and not ' April 1 as Sakura Kinomoto. Then, taking account of everything, I suppose that my theory is correct. True? O_o
But even in the profile of Syaoran of Card Captor Sakura on Wikipedia is reported that the Syaoran of Tsubasa RC is his son ... That there would be too, but remember that Tsubasa / Syaoran generates itself continuously. XD I'm beginning to lose ... However, if so, whether Tsubasa / Syaoran was the son of Syaoran Li CCSakura , then why Yuko speaks of a "pretty girl" and "a young gentleman" instead of adults? ç_ç Moreover in Tsubasa RC can see perfectly well that when he speaks with his father before embarking on his journey, Tsubasa / Syaoran and his father wearing Chinese-style clothes, and not Japanese. Maybe it's silly, but it could be a way to further distinguish the different characters ... And with regard to Touya and Yukito appearing in the past Tsubasa / Sakura (which has led to nonricordocosa Yuko) I do not think is relevant, since in any case also, it seems, all Sakura (Tsubasa or who are ) have an older brother Touya name. If not, it would be a bit 'as a claim that is suddenly in love with Sakura Kero-chan.

Apart from that, this morning I wanted to do even a laugh andandomi to groom an old post on which is ideal for recreational and open your eyes on what can be horrifying the world of fanfiction.
Now, I do not consider myself absolutely immune from mistakes, mind you, but, as far as I can, I always try to keep myself away from phenomena such as OOC, bashing and illogical. It also by Mary Sue, though I was really afraid to fall for invariably, sigh!

About Mary Sue, I've almost finished that blessed chapter twenty-two of my long, Nimue , it is likely that between Sunday and Monday I will be able to update. In addition, for those who do not know, I also started Fragments, a collection of shot of the protagonist's past, hoping they do not become too boring.
And since these days I was inspired, I miraculously got off to a trivial one-shot Gundam SEED, which I did not make for too Time: alienate . Starring the usual Athrun and Cagalli, but if you expect a saccharine story, I swear I'll kick up the backside. You know how I do worthwhile to write something. And not only for the genre in and of itself, because as I always feared to become the oocyte.

By the way, just now I doubt this has arisen. Maybe not crazy for this kind because I think probably some things too personal and private to be able to afford to investigate this far into the soul of the characters. Maybe because they are shy? Maybe, although I do not think. Because if I'm writing an OC is easier to create stories with diabetes. Mah

Well, for now I salute you and wish you good weekend. ^ ^


PS Recently I updated my gallery often on DeviantArt, so if you like, dates also a look at my horror . ^ ^

Friday, June 18, 2010

Can Rabbits Be Housebroken?

aether1984 @ 2010-06-18T14: 21:00

[...] It is not the idea that criticism of Christianity or Judaism, or any other religion. They are professionals who have turned it into a business, there is a lot of money in the racket of God, a lot of money! The teachings of Jesus are a marvel, as are the original intentions of Karl Marx. Ok? And how can they be bad if all are evenly split: Do not do to others, democracy, government by the people, all great ideas, they are all great ideas but they all have .. a fatal flaw. It is this: they are all based on the false concept that man is basically good and that if you give them the opportunity to be honest, the grabs, which is not a stupid, selfish, greedy, myopic and cowardly worm. What I am saying is that people make life worse than it should be, and believe me it is already a nightmare without the need of his help, but ultimately I'm sorry to say, we are a species failure. Mechanics

Congratulations For Wedding In Spanish


The shoujo is not a genre that drives me crazy, but I do not even contempt. As long as these stories and compelling characters.
For example, I threw the air Splendid Lovestory (the first volume I could not burn it because I had loaned a friend of mine), for one thing, and Dream Kiss , although sympathetic to leave is the time.
But if we talk about how series Lovely Complex , then the question changes. Admittedly, this is a shoujo, which takes place mostly in schools, a classic of the genre. Yet he has still something more: a story that touched me very much (in some ways, I recognized a lot in laughter) and very believable characters. Not to mention that the relationship is built between Risa and Atsushi slowly and with difficulty, with ups and downs, and is an absolute novelty (at least among the series that I read / saw it) that the heroine has been rejected twice by the male lead. I really appreciated the non-obvious here.

time ago I caught sight of a shoujo download, beam by TNT Fansub , but then, sfasciantosi the old PC, I lost all the links of the time, including this one (and of course I could not remember who he beams). Coincidentally, however, a couple of days ago I found and then I started watching the anime transposition Bokura ga ita , which in Italy is published as We were . And the fact that you have read only positive reviews have piqued my curiosity as well.
I'll be honest: I've only seen three episodes, so I think it unwise to give an opinion, if not and its approximate all'incipit of this series. First
designs. I like them, but the first thing I thought when he saw the opening on Youtube, was: seem Otani and Koizumi . And the similarities with
Lovely Complex are not finished, in my opinion.


For starters, the background of the characters: Yano, as Otani, had a girl in junior high, which obviously was very important. Otani is to live, that of Yano no, but little change: they are ubiquitous, and both have a sort of fast and loose with the boy had before them. The apparent light-heartedness of the two is very similar.
As for Nana, it reminds me of Risa, and for the way in which my hair, also for other small facets. And when the third episode goes to Yano's house, I returned immediately to mind the scene in which Risa goes for the first time by Otani, then when he kisses her (accidentally).

course are just my impressions, in no way justified, but the feelings had so far are these.
Not that bad, mind you. For the time series I is willing, then continue viewing pleasure. ^ ^



Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ap Biology Lab One Osmosis And Diffusion Answers

It's time to dust off the drawing materials ... New sketch

Yes, because today, after two other sketches in SD on Dragon Age , which can be found here and here, I found the old drawings, some never even finished and no date, other comprehensive and never passed to the scanner.
so I decided that I will continue to draw, hoping to resume his hand as soon as possible. I'd really better (meaning: I'd like to go back at least to draw as before).

Oh, today I started on chapter twenty-two of my long, Nimue , but I know that I can not really finish it before Sunday ... Kuso!
XD Okay, the important is that inspiration is always there and the desire to write is never less. ^ ^

Good evening to all!
