Friday, January 2, 2009

Letter To Depressed Friend

The misfortune of the weekend.

Here is another piece of my old fan fiction. Rereading it, I feel a bit 'embarrassed because with the perspective of now, I find it trite and a little' child. If I feel the same fifteen that I wrote this story, I think I beat to a pulp. Anyway, I just finished printing an outline of the thesis I will take the examination: even now beginning to have a fifa blue, but then, as it goes, go! Because this is the last year for me, whatever it resolves with a pass / fail! I'm sick of school!

As I said, remember that this is a theme YAOI fan fiction, namely the relationship between man x man. If you like, you leave this page and do not pretend it never opened. Thanks!

The misfortune of the weekend!
(Draco x Harry)

-Dracooo have arrived! - Shouted by opening a door of the hall, who had at least six, and entering a room, the issue was two twin beds, Celestine walls, cupboards and a desk next to a library, all resting on the wall opposite the beds.

A simple thing, suitable for guests and especially for his two grandchildren-all falls apart, the last Once he had placed a vase of flowers in the room was finished on the floor after just five minutes of their arrival.

He approached the cupboard and placed it beside the two backpacks, pulled the cards from the top yellow , and psychologically prepared to read a long list on the "what" and "not thing "to do.

Hello Harry,

are Herm, step right to the point because I have little space.

Fortunately ! He thought the dark.

So, at lunch as not to force-feed your children usually for pleasure, then he is otherwise a stomach ache. If it were to occur quest'imprevisto, I put the medicine in the bag of Tim, I have attached a label on that says what is needed. After lunch, Tim should do their homework and school Muggle Will must get some sleep ', so do not let them go out and play like your usual! You can study your nephew until at least four, then you can give him a snack. Nothing like your usual sandwich nutella and summer is bad! The same goes for Will of course! After the snack can go out and play a bit ', but about five would be better to bring them back for a shower. After being washed immediately put him on his pajamas otherwise try to get out again to play in the garden. During dinner, do not try to give your butterbeer as usual, are still too small! After eating may look a bit 'of TV, but at nine and a half in bed! And do not let them stay up until eleven as your usual! I hope everything is clear.

A kiss, Hermione.

PS Hey Harry, Ron ... I have managed to fool me a note! Listen to me, ignore it, poor thing is dead, does not know what it says! Manage the situation as you please! You listen to me as the family man, damn!

PPS Harry, Herm ... I have seen what that idiot wrote about my husband. Not to listen to him! It is a poor sketch that needs a holiday! Hello!

Harry chuckled

enjoyed putting the ticket in his pocket, the face of the little room! Then, imagine Hermione in military uniform that he dictated orders left and right ... Mh, but ... Would a career! was said with a smile.

Two strong arms tightened around his waist suddenly brought him back to reality, the strong scent of her boyfriend's head did go on new and tilting the head back, you leaned on his shoulder.

-Who says the note? -

-do you think? -

-Granger ... Always the same prissy! - Concluded the blond with an amused tone.

They stayed there a lull for a while ', basking in that neighborhood, for a couple of days they could not indulge more than they should, therefore, they were taking advantage.

-Have you finished up in the attic? -

-Almost ... I'm missing a few other big box. "

-Found something interesting? -

-Nah ... Apart from the junk-school.

-For me-are more than junk.

-I know, that's why I have not thrown. "

Harry smiled and without extricate himself from Draco and turned and looked into his eyes,-Where does all this kindness? - she asked in a whisper.

The hot breath of the dark ran a shiver down the spine of Draco, which of course I replied mischievously- do-nothing free.

The other giggled and gently rested her red lips and rosy and plump up those slim blonde, with the grueling slowly chewed his lower lip, licking it occasionally.

Draco groaned dissatisfied, wanted more, he knew, but he enjoyed it so suffering, in response, the blond boy put his hand through his hair diaphanous blacks of her boyfriend and gently pushed the more ; his head against his, forcing him to deepen the kiss.

Their tongues met, as they had done so many times, only for them was always a novelty rediscover beautiful, play, touching and studying every single detail inside the mouth of her lover, who now knew by heart.

hands, without realizing it began to go on their own, touching one's body, his breath began to be accelerated and instincts to wake up ...


A sound of breaking glass back to the two lovers fact that they separated in step; Harry quickly ran down the hallway and then down the stairs, lightning, followed closely by Draco, the open door of the room, went out into the garden, looking around with a worried look.

-WIIILL! - called Harry.

-TIIIM! - Draco followed suit.

The two remained silent for a while ', trying to capture some noise in the garden seemed not be anyone! Then he noticed the blond one thing ...

-Hey Harry, look here! - and pointed to the landing.

The brown finger followed the direction and saw the muddy footprints of shoes with a confused look, he and Draco began to follow the footprints, which led them into the living room , then for the entry corridor and then into the kitchen.

There, the footprints stopped in front of two chairs, and the two boys looked up and saw Tim and Will, standing on chairs, one with hands to his mouth and another who tried to hide three cookies.

addition to chairs, lay the remains of a poor man who can had not done anything wrong apart from being a port biscuits, with its scattered alongside the latter.

-It was him - the brothers said in unison, pointing at each other.

-A nice way to say "Hello Uncle Draco" - ridiculed the blonde out of the kitchen and headed towards the closet.

Harry went to the two grandchildren and one by one, they picked and took them out of the kitchen, to avoid trampling on the glass and biscuits, the blond, meanwhile, had returned with broom and shovel, ready to disappear evidence of the crime.

would gladly used the wand but the house was protected by various spells and safety barriers, so it was impossible to practice magic in there, they did it because, being a Harry Auror very smart, one of the few remaining Death Eaters could surprise him at home, just in case while they were sleeping or doing other ...

While he performed the thankless task of sweeping the dark is placed in front of the two grandchildren and several times he passed the eye from one to another-if you wanted the cookies, Simply ask ... - he said slowly.

The two children gazed with regret and guilty expression, certainly did not want to break the jar, but ... "but then we are afraid that if we said it to you then you you said your mom! - Will whispered looking down.

-And why should I tell your mother? - confused asked, raising an eyebrow, Harry.

Why-because it's almost lunch time and she always tells us not to eat ... before lunch - this time Tim was talking, who left the sentence hanging.

-Boys, how many times have I said that I'm not Hermione Granger? -

-so-answered in chorus.

-How many times have I repeated that I had my way you could do what the hell do you think? -


-Exactly! And since now it's your mother out of the way ... - leaned forward to bring the front of their face, do it our way! -

The brothers looked at his uncle's eyes opening wide, before space became a mischievous smile on their lips-six legendary uncle! - Will said cheerfully.

-I know, I know ... but modestly autographs he joked after-ruffling her hair red.

Draco meanwhile, completed its mission, left the kitchen to get a broom and dustpan place, walked past the group and looked severe in two children, before disappearing around a corner.

The brothers, having clearly noticed, lowered make eyes with dramatic, began to slowly shake his head and a sigh came out of their mouth.

-Well? Now what? - Asked the Moor.

-Uncle Draco ... - Will began.

- ... He's got us now ... - Tim ended.

But no-boys, will, as always! Did you know that every time you come to take a nervous breakdown, it is normal, is the order of the day! By now you should not make us even more if not? Infuse he is very patient and it is quite hysterical, and then ... -

And while Harry kept talking about the behavior that her boyfriend took the grandchildren when they visited, these two looked at each corner of his eye and grinning fun, knew that his uncle would have pulled out the speech he had been told that if they felt guilty and decided to confess ... just a beautiful moment ...

The chatter of the Moor was blocked by a waterfall icy, that's soaked hair, apron and shirt, the direct question shook her head strong to shake the water from her hair and turned around in disbelief, when confronted with a lot of Draco frowned.

-And so I would be in a hysterical fit of nerves eh & hellip - hissed menacingly moving the bucket was filled to clean the room and the entrance from the muddy footprints.

Harry looked fiery to grandchildren, laughing in his sleeve, beyond them and splashed away, leaving mud on the floor for fingerprints.

-Take off your shoes! - Shouted the blond turning to them, her cheeks flushed.

The Moor tried to take advantage of the distraction to slip away, but was quickly stopped by Draco, which grabbed from behind his shirt maybe ex-boyfriend, pulled him back with a jerk,-where you going-hissed menacingly closer to his face and his eyes narrowing.

You'll pay! This does not get away! He thought Harry before swallowing hard and begin to think of a decent excuse.

Meanwhile, the two brothers, removed his shoes before climbing the stairs and arrived in their room if you were laughing like crazy rolling around on the bed while the downstairs came the hysterical screams of their dear Uncle; agree, perhaps they But it was too much ... too much fun to see the face of Uncle Harry suddenly lose color.

-haha, it was tremendous! Have you seen Uncle Draco as he changed expression when he heard of it? - Tim sighed between laughs, her face all red.

-Si, hahaha, so easy to make fun of Uncle Harry-ahahaha.

Both had several shots at his uncle was always dark and promptly fell for it, but in reality, the two wanted a good of their favorite uncle, only if they have not yet realized because of young age, Tim was eight years old and Will are.

Calm laughter, got out of bed and avvicinatisi their backpacks and began to fix up their things in the drawers, there were only three days, but loves to everything upside down there too! Tim ended up in the first place, then, began to deal with the library, next to the desk.

his arms five or six books and scattered them to the room, some open, others closed, followed the fate and the remaining six books were arranged disorderly a bit 'on the desk in the library.

He went to the brother who had put some shirts on the bed and a bit' of socks, and took his clothes and solemn expression, he raised his arms up and they tossed around in bulk, as if creating something artistic.

Will looked at him with respect and clapped their hands met at the end of the work of his brother, he too wanted to know how disorder and chaos in so little time.

Both then approached the door and , given one last look at their work, they headed downstairs, with a pair of shoes cleaned, there's uncles found intent to remove stains from the floor ... Harry and Draco pissed terrified expression.

The brothers smiled and approached him with angelic expressions, and the two lovers stood up I look at it on them, giving him attention.

-Uncles ... It's the one! We hungry! - Tim said with mock expression suffering, touching his stomach.

-Yes, it's true! Already brontogliato many times! - Inflation Will do with the innocent victim.

-Will ... Before everything is said grumble ... And the second is not you, but your stomach is complaining! - It snapped ; his brother, pedantic, and the other gave him an annoyed look and shook shoulders.

Harry sighed and tried to get up, when the blond-cold action in the bud are easy to clean the floor my love. I go to the grocery store, because we could not go yesterday! - Said in a mellifluous voice.

Draco took off his apron, throwing him on the couch, looked at the dark and contemptuous without taking your eyes off ' another, he turned to go upstairs and grandchildren get ready, get down soon! - having said that, he turned and climbed the stairs quickly.

The two brothers sat comfortably on gave no apparently unaware of the blond star crushing the apron; Harry gave them a dirty look and started to rub the tile, muttering from time to time.

After five minutes, Malfoy came downstairs, dressed very simply, blacks jeans, white shirt and hair tied in a tail down, her boyfriend looked at him briefly, forcing himself not to look back, but what happened.

met Draco sneered at his address, approaching a table, opened the drawer of the cabinet and I pulled out a blue book that put it in your back pocket. Next, exceeding by a deliberately slow pace Harry, came to a key ring and took the house keys and car.

-Come on guys, "said the blond at that point, opening the door.

The two children jumped up and approached him, past him and began to run towards a black car parked in front of the gate in a closed garage; Draco, before leaving, he approached the dark and knelt in front.

Harry looked up with a sulky expression, making the other laugh, amused, and the blonde leaned a bit 'forward and kissed her on the forehead of the boy, whispering with a smile, see you later. "

stood up, walked to the door and out into the hall, closed it behind him.



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