Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Cleaning Shower Doors Rubber Gaskets

The misfortune of the weekend.

step today to post the third piece of fan fiction comic-crazy that my mind is sick in the grass as a teenager managed to create. I just finished studicchiare business administration so I do not assume responsibility for sfondoni grammatical nonsense, and / or similar: they are completely melted, I mean really. It 'a bit' of time that does not place a picture (and not design) so I decided to make it up soon, probably during the hours of French or English: yes, tomorrow begins the ordeal. Luckily for me this is the last year, then adieu, bon voyage, good bye, sayonara. If you are not understood, I have not the slightest intention of doing either the university to study again. Am I wrong? I will learn from my own mistakes, I regret it and I'll eat the liver. But after this, a few years. In September, most likely leaving for London to learn the language. Who wants to come with me? At the moment I'm alone, volunteers are welcome!

I leave you now to read, as always warning: remember that this fan fiction is slash theme, namely man x man . If you like, you leave this page and do not pretend it never opened. Thanks!

The misfortune of the weekend!
(Draco x Harry)

Draco closed the car door and activated the alarm, looked once again through the window closed, the back seat almost entirely devoid of black leather and drove to the ' Once again a killer instinct.

Those damn brats! Who could be children, if not that ... that ... that lentil! He thought as he turned and began to head toward the entrance of the small shopping center, the children, meanwhile, already forgotten the incident-seat, ran merrily around the parking lot, risking five Arrotati or six times to be looking for a place by the machines.

Malfoy, not caring about it, called them lazy tone, crossing the entrance from the automatic doors at once, the fresh air of the place was heard and the blond showed expression satisfied.

raised look up, reading the various signs hanging in a low ceiling nilon the various department names, divided into shelves, while the grandchildren continued to revolve around, clothing, appliances, electronics (audio & video), toys, school, tools, lingerie, furniture, sweets, and finally food and beverages.

-You two do not see anything done, you understand? - Draco intimated to the brethren, before heading to take a cart nearby, Tim and Will nodded, smiling brightly, and before his uncle began to head toward the department of food, approached him and said, We're going to see more new toys! -.

And when Malfoy was about to reply, he noticed that the children had already evaporated, a bad feeling the stomach and tie him with worried expression, walked to get food.

-Here we are, is this one! - Tim said, going between the two shelves filled with electronic items; behind him, trotting a Will, the objects studied carefully.

-How about these? They are small and not noticed! And on the other hand are so much! - Continued the elder brother of the boxes indicating little more than a large square hand, the smallest approached, watching with eyes undecided ... before taking a column of ten.

-Watch out! Do not drop otherwise end up in trouble! They are more expensive then your eyes peeled! - Tim warned him, taking him even ten.

began to walk quietly to the various departments, carefully avoiding the one in which he was the uncle, and every time I crossed an employee of the supermarket, they began to talk to each other, alluding to a fifteen cousins who had to make a birthday present . That excuse was used to explain the huge amount of CD players that were carrying.

-Hey ... Tim - Will whispered looking straight ahead, where are the tools ... View cart that lady is pretty full ... is not it? -

-Si ... - said his brother after a while '. -We do this as soon as the lady once you get close and after you've done what you do, you hide behind that thing rectangular plastic! But you have to be fast ok? Meanwhile I'm waiting hidden behind this bookshelf! -

-Why should I go I? You go right? - Will tried to protest, he tired of having to always start the "missions" most "dangerous".

-No! You've seen and you go there! Move! - Responded with another threatening tone, going to hide behind a shelf full of books, pens and everything related to the school.

Will snorting quietly began to approach the cart lady who, meanwhile, quietly humming a happy tune, then pausing occasionally to watch the cooking utensils and one of them particularly caught his attention, making away from the basket.

The child, going out into the open from behind a column of aprons hanging on hooks vertically, immediately took advantage of the distraction of the woman with a pitch went to the cat basket and slipped casually into a CD player.

After that went away quickly, hiding behind that rectangular plastic thing, the lady returned to the truck, did not see anything and continued to turn to the mini-center, unaware that you bring a little thing from several pounds.

suffered the same fate at the same nineteen other trucks, all solid enough to go unnoticed by a small gray box.

-Come, the case there are already five! - Tim said, after having defeated the last box CD player, and he and his brother set out for the sweets department, from which one could see very well all the boxes.

The first victim went to number six, beginning to put all their purchases on the counter, so inevitably coming to the box a CD player, the store clerk, unaware of the fact that the victim did not know where he had jumped out, grabbed them also and put it on the account. -They are £ 145 - then the employee said with a smile.

-no Hey, wait a minute! - The lady stopped her yet bit 'disbelief. -I have not bought that CD! -

-Excuse me? - The clerk asked with a look at the same time confused and skeptical.

-I told her I did not put that box in my cart! So the rise from my account! - Continued the victim, a bit angry '.

-I do not think you can see ...? - The official pointed to a sign stuck on a column. -The goods purchased do not change, nor refund! -.

-But I am saying that this CD is not mine! -

-Ma was in his truck ... not really want me to believe that We came alone, right? -

-What 's, make sarcastic now? I demand to speak with the management! I do not mean that I will not pay a thing! -

-If you do not want to put it in the cart could have been avoided! -

-It was not me! -

-not raise your voice, this is a public place! - the clerk said angrily, lifting the handset of a telephone located near the cash register. Here-case number six, a customer requires his presence Director! -

Meanwhile, the cashier number three ...

-Draft harpy! The customer is always right! - Growled the girl pulling the hair of the contract.

-You are not a customer, you're an old witch! - The official said the scratched his face.

The second victim climbed over the counter and began to beat the contract.

-Someone call the manager! - Yelled a boy who was standing in line.

Case number one ... "But I really ... -

-I told her I can not exclude the player from the account, sorry! -

" But my wife will be angry ... - Well-

, is the wife of his, not mine, see to regulate her! -

-Oh sure! It's easy to ignore the problems of others when you are sitting behind a box right? RIGHT? - The third victim screamed, hysterical voice.

-Calm down! -

-No! I am not calm! Here! It is a life that is under the command of my wife, but that's enough! I will not drive more than from anyone! Got it? CLEAR? -

-is clear but ... -

-Nothing but! It all started the day I met her, he began the third victim, throwing the floor all the things he had bought and lying down on the counter, crossing his hands on his belly. -She was beautiful and I thought I was not have a chance! He understands what I mean? -

-Si, I understand, but ...

-No! Listen to me! Let me finish! So, one day approached me and tell me ... -

Case number seven ...

-ButtiamolegiĆ¹! -

-I won! Then the player must take off my account by! -

-No, I still have a chance! She has won just two games! And rock beats scissors, so this is mine! -

-No, it's mine, because a stone can not destroy an object of iron! -

-Who decided that the scissors were made of iron?! -

-Come on, all the scissors are made of iron! -

-No, there are plastic ones! -

-He is trying to cheat! -

-not true! -

Case number two ...

-Come on ... do not be stingy, "said another bill putting twenty on the counter. That Levi-cd from my account ... -

"But you realize that is far outpacing the price to pay in this way?! - The clerk asked bewildered, to the man who faced him, this' Last pissed and snorted pulled out of his pocket a fifty.

-This is my last offer! -

Will and Tim laughed like crazy, rolling on the floor and holding her belly had begun to hurt, the other victims, who were aware of the reason disputes at the checkout, they searched the truck and found the CD player, had gone running to put it down.

-Oh my God ... - Tim sobbed with difficulty trying to breathe.

-Ahaha ahaha aiutooo-Will does not seem to stop laughing and her face grew redder.

*** B-Plan ... Do you understand Will's what to do? -

Yes, I there-I program all of those and he pointed something at his left-and you-all the others.

-Exactly! And if you see an employee doing the vague! -

-What does that mean - she asked her brother with a questioning expression.

-pretends not to notice! - Said the other, puffing.

The two brothers took opposite directions, carry out the second floor and we put about a quarter of an hour, after which they met behind a shelf well away from the place where they had carried the joke, just in time.

fact, tools in the department, an alarm began ringing like crazy, about ten seconds after another followed and passed the same period of time, yet another.

In short, all the alarms of the unit (as shown above the boxes were about sixty), began to play, deafening all customers and making nervous small children, who all began to cry. The department

tool was then invaded by a chorus of alarms and screaming brats, and the company, came running and began to turn off the alarm and when we could, took the place of another one just silenced.

Tim and Will looked at each other, beating the five, they had just planned to perfection.

At one point, an employee obviously impatient, went out of his head because of all the noise and the continuing power of position of other alarms, went to the tools from the garage, took a hammer and began destroy all the alarms that the captain at gunpoint, with the face that was becoming increasingly red, brandishing "the weapon" as if it were a toy and a white bib soon began to flow from one corner of the mouth, accompanied from a crazy look.

-Clocks, ALARM alarm MANY! ENOUGH! SMETTETELAAA! VI AMMAZZOOO! - Shouted the beginning to destroy the clocks ticking. The authors especially

sneered at the sight of him being dragged away by his colleagues, linked by a long rope made of fishnet stockings, taken by the department of the interior, nearby, the "destroy-awake" continued to yell like a madman while disconnected phrases came out of the mouth from time to time.

-Poor ... - an official said, speaking with another, close to the shelf where the two children were hidden. -He had just finished last week to go to a psychologist ... You know, As I understand it, there was a family trauma to overcome ... -

-What? "- then asked the colleague.

-His mother died when he was little. Burnt by the electrical discharge of an outlet. He was setting a digital alarm clock-current.

-Aaahhh ... - answered, nodding.


Draco, with a tin of beans in his hand, looked around with confused expression, but what were those screams? It seemed also that he heard a "kill" ...

With all my heart, she hoped that her two grandchildren, do not belong anything, did not intend to repay their damage!

-And now what? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? -

-Will! Enough! - Stopping suddenly snapped Tim.

-Ok, sorry, "said the brother with a tiny little voice.
Rather, get here! Remember you have to do right? -

"Yes, Ugh, however, still do -

-course you always! You're smaller than me, so do not see you! And hide it well, well! And do not try to move, otherwise it falls through the roof! Remember that you only speak and before you do, you have to suck the air who is here! -.

Will gave him a skeptical expression. -How do you suck the air?! -

Tim snorted, giving him a strange object in his hand. -Just do it! -

said, made the rounds of the shelf and hid there, ready to enjoy the scene.

Five minutes later, a kindly-looking old lady, ventured into the clothing department with the truck half empty, apparently had come recently.

began to observe with careful and critical look at the various sweaters, wool hats and coats, they grab an edge to feel the softness and then releases it to look doubtful.

Advancing along the space where we hung our coats, and saw one that particularly attracted his attention long enough to touch your calves, it was black with fancy designs on the flaps down and more importantly, had l & rsquo ; expect to be very hot.

The grandmother came to an article, grab a corner, suddenly, a shrill voice from the cartoon and stupid expanded air.

-Buy me! - Said the coat, remaining motionless.
Buy me buy me buy me buy me-
! - He repeated in bursts, with that silly little voice.

The old woman immediately left his coat, grabbing something from the cart deft half-empty, with clear aims and a force unimaginable for a woman of her age, began to take a purse on the other hand that the poor jacket use, urlacchiava sore.

Will, with tears in his eyes, slipped inside the coat and Gatton Tomcats went through the legs of the grandmother, trying to escape, the latter, seeing the child and understood the joke, he turned and pulled ; exactly crazy bag over the head of the boy, who was walking away quickly. They did

the same end of the bag all the junk in your cart: packets of biscuits and bottles of detergent and water, while the grandmother was screaming behind-the wretch! Criminal! How dare you make some jokes to a poor old lady?! Scoundrel! - Will slipped behind the shelf where he had hidden his brother, weeping at the fountain and rubbing his head with a hand on which was a fine show swelling.

Tim, seeing her brother in that state, is altered more than ever determined to take revenge.

-Will Wait here! - He said, turning toward each other and away quickly. Through various

wards, finally coming to that on food and beverages; looked around furtively, as we move through the shelves, being careful not to find himself by his uncle who certainly was nearby, caught hold of some 'stuff between juice fruit, bottles of mayonnaise and flour.

Met the booty, he returned as quickly as possible by his brother, making vague, it was not everyday, of course, see a kid walking around with all that stuff for a supermarket or even alone.

-Will! - Said out of breath. -Where 's the old woman went?! -

the brother, eyes still swollen with tears, pointed to a further back ward, household appliances and the other, nodding, I went and hid behind everything to find the grandmother without being seen. He noted that Mrs.

had stopped to observe a washing machine located in two places beyond that where he had hidden him, grinning evil, took two fruit juices and opened them, spreading quickly that the liquid was inside on the floor, creating a trail long enough.

The elderly, advanced slowly in his direction, continuing to observe the various washing machines, as he approached, Tim ran to crawl behind a row next to the dishwasher, just in time to avoid being seen by the woman who, because of the shoe soles of leather, slid like a ice skater & ldquo ; a bit 'awkward' on the juice, picking up speed as I could.

croaking his scream echoed through the supermarket and the people, distracted by his mad slipped towards the back wall, followed by the race to help her and groped to rein it in time, the shopping was so old left unattended .

Tim then went as fast as a cat to his goal and grabbed the bag of the old, throw in the flour and mayonnaise, then zip it up, she shut the up and down, so that the "ingredients & rdquo ; mix well.

And just when the truck rested on exactly the same position as before, the grandmother is havoc on the wall, falling to the ground in pain.


pack of cereals struggled under his hands, falling to the ground, a shiver ran through the back of the blonde heard a bloodcurdling scream, what the fuck was going on there?!

[Continue ...]


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