Monday, January 5, 2009

Jenna Jameson On Boat

Hello. My name is Neville Longbottom, a Gryffindor and are full of fears.

Hello. Here I am with a new one-shot the first to diversify from all the others I've written because the protagonist is another pair: Blaise / Neville. I've never written something that was not a Draco / Harry so this the shot as a kind of experiment for future drafts. So I hope to be able to communicate my vision of these two characters that I never dared to touch and that I realized, would be a lot more depth than we think. During the Fan Fiction I tried to follow as closely as possible to the history and events of the books, although some minor modifications, for reasons of consistency, it was inevitable (and still is a minimal thing, because the Most of the things written in books are real). I apologize then chronologically if something is wrong or similar, I tried to do everything possible. All this, as you will understand, it is seen from the perspective of Neville. The other fan fiction that I'm posting here, however, will be updated as soon as this (About seven years school + 1) will be published separately all together because, in my opinion, would not make.

As always, the warning to the ignorant, this is fan fiction themed HOMOSEXUAL. If you do not like, they give up. Thanks!

I hope you like it, enjoy!

Hello. My name is Neville Longbottom, a Gryffindor and are full of fears.

Hogwarts, the first year, September 1, 19XX.

Hours: 11:50 pm

Dear Diary ...

ommiddio . I'm a Gryffindor! Hurrah! Here everything is so great that ... I feel like dying and being reborn at the same time. Tales from the grandmother does not do justice to this place, even vaguely. I hear his voice in my head that babbles and babbles like an echo far away, words that describe objectively the castle, classes, dorms, people. But there's nothing here for me to aim and his grandmother was wrong. I never really realized of what could be the magic spell, I'm serious. I was born into a family of wizards, it is true, but until recently (maybe a year or two) all thought (myself included, alas) that I was a Squib. You know what a Squib, diary? I'll tell you: one that is despised almost as much (or perhaps worse) a half-blood (so I can write it because I'm not offending anyone in particular, is not it?) And unlike them, is not able to use magic despite the origins of magic. Do not see is cruel? I did, and I know well because I've got experience in these feelings. The weight of the gaze of my grandmother, who did not (and does) but to compare me to my parents. Your father, your father, your father. Your mother, your mother, your mother. If I, if I had, it would be. Bla bla bla . I know that my grandma loves me and that everything else in my family wants me, or my uncle would not have done that last cruel joke to see if I had powers or not. Sure, bring me down from a window of the third plan was not a great idea and I clearly felt in my heart to fall prey to micro three heart attacks, but at least my magical nature has managed to reveal his existence to save my Pellacchia. From joy my uncle bought me a toad, it's called Oscar. It is an animal a bit 'lazy, I lose often! I'm not sure that my uncle would somehow intervene if nothing had happened and I honestly do not even want to know, I do not want to imagine how it could have been. Oh, diary, you had to see my grandmother seemed to come out of the sparks of joy from his eyes and I was never close so strong in his bony arms (I had difficulty breathe!). I promise if I can still remember the dusty smell of her dress and the buckle of the bag that I pierced a rib, what a story! However, obviously I was also happy to prove to me that you are not as inept as you think. My grandmother is good, even if it does nothing but criticize me, is just me defending someone else to do it now. She does just to get them to make me strong, I know this. However, the lessons start tomorrow and I have to go to sleep, it's late. Merlin, I can not wait to start! Who knows how many classmates will know and learn many things! I am very pleased with my mates room, a nicer more! And then there's also ... hold on tight diary: HARRY POTTER! Yes yes , he, the baby survived! It 'been very kind to me, asked me a word that I said or did without anything. For me it was very important, because talking to him, I managed to exchange a few words with others (Merlin, I was so afraid of saying something stupid that if it were not for him, I probably would have remained silent for All through dinner!) But I can not help but wonder ... I measure up? I will make ridiculous here? Definitely. Already this evening I made the figure of the idiot with the Sorting Hat, I gave everyone the impression of being scared (and indeed I was, wow! He looked menacing, admit it!) But no matter, I'm too excited think about it, though I sweaty hands from nervousness! But I have my courage to make my grandmother proud again! Gryffindor is the home of the brave and I know I can not carry a bat in here. But if the hat has made this decision, after all, there must be reason. The first might be that in me, saw something good (and I would be grateful if he did see to myself, gosh). The second could be he was completely drunk (and I would not completely exclude this possibility!). Ah, someone is complaining of burning candle, I think Ron Weasley (or something like that, I do not have a good memory, eh eh ). Do I have to go to the diary, good night!

PS Today as we climbed the stairs, before sorting, to head into the great hall Oscar I slipped from his hands and trying to riacchiapparlo I slipped forward as a fool. In addition to not being able to recapture, I went to bump into another child, his skin like chocolate, a little taller than me and much drier. Lucky him. The look that gave me, however, blacks with eyes like the night, made me shiver and feel a jelly silly: I do not think very well have accepted my apology. I can not help it if they are awkward, but I'll try to be more careful the next time, I have a strange feeling that if it happens again, I will kill. Indeed, we say that is not a feeling: just whispered it to me! That obnoxious. Luckily they have sorted to Slytherin!

[Continue ...]


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