Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Driver Webcam 12 Megapixels

Compendium for solving a complex problem. Brief reflection

In logic, physics, mathematics and in general in any field, sooner or later you'll be facing a so-called "complex problem".
You might say that complexity is related to the person who deals with it. This is partly true, however, there is an ontological definition of the concept of complex problem.

complex problem that is defined as matter that has three or more of the following characteristics:
- partial or complete lack of data
- interactions between multiple sets
- presence of probabilistic calculations
- complete or partial absence of theorems postulates
- complete lack or part of previous theories of what the problem might be
corollary - the presence of intelligent beings and agents as key variables of the problem.
- presence of paradoxes

With this online compendium want to formalize a general absolution and abstract structure that can serve as a good mindset for the resolution of these situations, of course, every problem has its specific cases that may require modification or distortion of ' or order of computation of the solution. We now

the performance itself:

1) Secure the constant determination: what commonly called 'solution', many times you will be given other, especially in sociological, you will need to decide. This step is crucial because it will affect any specific method to satisfy.

2) Fix all equally good or sets where you want to work: very soon if I have to work ONLY on all R is pointless going to take elements of C, but if I have to work on all R and C then it is useless to bother going all S except that the process does not prove necessary to add or remove work plans to achieve the constant determination.

3) Eliminate the hassles of the already complex problem is, You do not want to further complicate it, so everything considered unnecessary to be eliminated, attention, however, that what is excluded must first undergo a careful assessment and should never be completely trashed it might be useful later to satisfy the constant.

4) Put it into your head that the most rational solution is not always one that will get things exactly as you like: there's a huge difference between results "expected" results and "effective." If I see one of my friends on the other end of the road and I want to kill him off without (constant soddisfacmento) walk from the nearest pedestrian crossing, wait for it do not pass any cars and then will cross, but at the same moment a door of a plane 4000 meters pulp comes off and I do not ever read the newspapers "idiot trying to cross the street and die." There are things that unfortunately you can not have mathematical certainty then you can make the most rational choice possible, but that does not mean necessarily go as you want it to go.
NB: This is not an invitation to let go at the mercy of fate, more than anything is to understand the concept is not accustomed to reasoning in a logical - mathematical.

5) Gather all possible data and does not assume others unless you are sure of their accuracy.

6) Consider the problem in a Cartesian means that, if possible, try to decompose the problem complex problems into smaller more easy to solve. If this is not possible then you should try to rationalize the problem of seeing in it the pattern that characterizes it and act according to that pattern.

7) Consider the problem in a fregiana: never, never, lose the general pattern. Although you were able to decompose the complex problem, do not miss ever seen in its entirety. Always check that the solution of problems should not be broken down to contradict with each other or with the general pattern of the problem in its entirety.

8) through each point of view as possible: taking care not to make too much influence.

9) Do your ideas to pass data: never, say never let your personal beliefs to influence the data in any way. There is no a priori impossible, there after his demonstration. Same thing for the opposite, there is no obvious a priori, there is only sopo his demonstration. Just because you think something is so does not mean that it is and vice versa. Even the postulates and the axions (as opposed to what one might think) have to be demonstrated that at times, very solipsistic may be in themselves.

10) Calculate the computer, nothing is left to chance.

should be everything. I hope that this method of work can help someone to solve problems or just to reflect a little.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

List Of Important Verb Mandarin

Dragon Age: Origins - Meaning of names

Yesterday a user of DeviantArt, Sakun (which I LOVE), posted in his journal the meaning of the names of the characters party Dragon Age: Origins and even if those of Alistair Morrigan and I knew them already and found them quite apt, unaware of others. * _ *

A link to the journal, although it is written in English: http://sakuna.deviantart.com/journal/34842830/

I really like the meaning of the name of Wynne, I find it fits perfectly ! ♥

As for my character (the only one I've played so far, and one that surely will remain more loyal than the next), the name Nimue is taken from the Arthurian legends.
In fact calls to mind other people, because it is said that Nimue is one of the names of the Lady of the Lake (which, in Scotland, seems to be the true meaning of the name), also known as Viviane, Niniane (in my name fanfiction I gave to the sister of Nimue) and beyond, which would be the one who raised Lancelot. In addition, some Nimue is the one who gave Arthur the sword Excalibur, according to others, the one who brought the dying king to Avalon, according to others still, as the pupil, lover and rival of Merlin, which , defeated, he was imprisoned for ever. Honestly, when

I started to play Dragon Age: Origins had no idea that this name would be connected perfectly to the references to Celtic mythology that you mention in this universe, so when I read the name of Morrigan, I jumped for joy. * _ *
few months ago, then a user of EFP, Laiquendi informed me that Andraste seems to have been taken from Celtic mythology, which makes me even more gloating. ♥

The funny thing in all this is that I miss in this game we wanted to play, and that if it were not for my brother, who has almost forced to create 'I'm character as to make me try, now would not be here to bother with all this silly of my witch elf. So if you really want to take it with someone, do it with Chewbe. è_é

conclude by saying that I am in turmoil: yesterday came out Witch Hunt, the DLC Scourge focused on post-Morrigan. (But I have not.)
was probably the most eagerly awaited by fans, because let's face it, none of us had sent down the way it was done with her. Or rather, the manner in which it was not over.
Things have left over much of their appeal because they leave ample room for imagination and dreams, but you still have some official clarification of comfort. Not always, though, because maybe so you end up satisfied with some of the fans and upset another.
Who knows how it will end between Morrigan and my Nimue ... I hope I do not have to bring my elf psychoanalyst, because at the end of the Scourge had an urgent need, in my opinion. XD

Good evening to all! ^ ^


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Simple Calla Lily Centrepiece

Schifooo! Q:

I had the unfortunate idea to reread my old shot on Gundam SEED Destiny that, at the time I wrote, I considered pretty.
Now, after a year or so, I do nothing short of disgust. How the hell m'è came into his head to write that whole bunch of crap?? And because no one has pointed out to me?? Ç___ç

* * Time for Reflection

I'll finally detaching the flight to the world of fanfiction series and make sense? Soon we hope, but by dint of the long write up Dragon Age: Origins beginning to think we still have some changes I had to.
Among other things, I must also thank all those who support me for Nimue, as well as those who supported me anyway for my fanfiction past: without their support I would not have continued to write and (hopefully) improve.
be clear that the above story does not convince me fully (indeed, some chapters I want to rewrite it from scratch), but it's done and I go on like this. Also because if I put hours to reconsider everything would end not more. And how do I do? I have to write the sequel to this long! I have it in mind for months and I'm also bothered that holy of [info] Erech puzzling to me to find a solution to some problems logic and to match everything (epilogue Origins with Awakening , DLC set after the Scourge and other information found in part by Wikia, and partly in the novels).
not wait to write suuuuu! > _ \u0026lt;
In everything there is to say that I have yet to finish Golem of Amgarrak , get your hands on Witch Hunt coming out today and play all Awakening . But I want to write about the same. XD This is because to unite all the pieces of the puzzle will necessarily work fantasiaaa! ♥ ♥ ♥

Okay, the plant here. For now.

Ah, if you're interested, the last time I also updated my schifogallery on http://shainareth.deviantart.com

Good evening to all,
