Monday, April 12, 2010

Do Car Dealers Have To Apply For V5

I handed my phylacteries to the Circle of Magi

Stamattina sono andata a farmi le analisi del sangue. Immaginate che bello, visto che sono già un po' anemica e soffro di pressione bassa. *_*
   A fare i prelievi in ospedale c'era un tizio che era appena più vivace di un cadavere, quindi provate a pensare alla tranquillità con cui gli ho offerto il braccio, specie quando gli ho visto preparare ben quattro fialette. A prescindere dall'impressione che mi ha dato lui, comunque, devo ammettere che questo cadavere succhiasangue (sarà stato un vampiro?) è assai bravo e non ti fa sentire quasi niente.
   When I got home, my brother Chewbe looked at me and asked me: "You know now that the Templars may find you anywhere?"
game too Dragon Age does not hurt. More.

Saturday I saw Anastasia of 20th Century Fox, a film I adore. I like the story, I like drawing, I like animation, I like the songs, I like both characters. Usually difficult to love the usual situation because of the handsome too prissy, too constructed. For example, it Beauty and the Beast , I prefer him without doubt version beast. Eric, the prince de The Little Mermaid, I do not say anything. Ditto those Snow White, Cinderella , The Sleeping Beauty and so on. Unless Aladdin, however, because they simply had to be there to make the dummy next to the princess of the moment, but rather it had a good role (even as the protagonist) and his wonderful defects. Just like Dimitri, another wretched crook his peers. Lovable rogues! * _ * And both also have a nice big nose: I love the characters were not perfect! \u0026lt;3
(Athrun Zala of Gundam SEED is an exception, although not so perfect ... especially if we look inside his skull: would the good fortune to many, many psychologists!)

now I've lost count of the last time I notified of my updates here, but on Friday I posted the ninth chapter of my longfic on Dragon Age: Origins : Nimue . Now I'm writing the fourteenth chapter, which introduces Dalish, and I think to finish it between now and tomorrow. \u0026lt;3 I'm progressing much more quickly than I thought at first, and I hope this does not detract from the content, pace, characters and / or style. But okay, I continue undaunted on my way until someone does not hit me and I noted that I'm getting it all wrong. è_é
For those interested, however, reported that the updates that have weekly fanfiction, and then the next chapters will usually be posted between Friday and Sunday.

nice day!



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