Thursday, November 12, 2009

What Is Each Shag Band

top ten animals with the most powerful poison

Palythoa toxic
Distribution: coral reefs in the Pacific and the Caribbean.
LD50: 0.0004 mg / kg
Poison: the toxin acts mainly on the cardiovascular system.

Rana golden (Phyllobates terribilis)
Distribution: South America, Central America.
LD50: 0.002 mg / kg
Poison: the toxins are secreted by the skin of the body and cause muscle paralysis that can lead to cardiac arrest.

sea wasp (Chironex fleckeri)
Distribution: Australia and Southeast Asia
LD50: 0,004 mg / kg
Poison: attacks the nervous system, heart and skin.

blue-ringed octopus (Hapalochlaena lunulata)
Distribution: tropical Pacific Ocean waters, coral reefs in Australia.
LD50: 0,004 mg / kg
Poison: causes respiratory arrest. The toxins are produced by bacteria in the glands salivary body.

Taipan Interior (Oxyuranus microlepidotus)
Distribution: Australia.
LD50: 0,025 mg / kg
Poison: circulatory system attacks the victim's blood to clot, also contains neurotoxins.

Aipysurus laevis, A. dubois
Distribution: Australia.
LD50: 0.0264 mg / kg ¬ - 0.044 mg / kg

eastern brown snake (Pseudonaja textilis)
Distribution: Australia.
LD50: 0,036 mg / kg
Poison: contains neurotoxins and blood coagulants.

Pitohui dichrous
Distribution: South America.
LD50: 0.05 mg / kg
Poison: the toxin is very similar to that of frogs and golden focused on the feathers and skin.

yellow-bellied sea snake (Pelamis platurus)
Distribution: Australia.
LD50: 0.067 mg / kg
Poison: poison causes damage neuromuscular and kidney.

Acalyptophis peroni
Distribution: Australia.
LD50: 0.079 mg / kg

LD50-value refers to the lethal dose for 50% of organizations that received subcutaneous injection of the venom.
- Organisations have a very powerful poison is not necessarily fatal. It should consider other factors: the amount of poison that the animal is able to inoculate the method by which the inoculated, his aggressiveness, etc..
- The first spider belongs to the genus Phoneutria of South America.
- The first is the Scorpion Scorpio yellow North Africa and the Middle East.


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