Friday, April 24, 2009

Primolut N To Delay A Period


then a bit 'of information: the usual Saiyuki and its characters belong to me and sensei Minekura ovviamnente.
pairing: SanzoxGoku
Rating: NC-17


was a day like many others in the group of Sanzo, provided that we can speak of normality whereas the composition "polietnica" and that the heterogeneous group of people: a heretic child with the stomach for brains, just too naive (but let's face it too cute), with a lively and direct, a monk as a grumpy old man in his eighties and an ugly, ugly character, but I say that despite the appearance would call a pervert on the loose (it's just a feeling you want, but , ...), half demon that instead of hiding their wickedness does not think even , And a demon from the eternally smiling face, but actually hides an Oni (boys Hakkai please do not make angry, because it really scared, just do not care to see how a 1000 made out those demons armed only with a knife kitchen to peel potatoes ...).

short digression aside, we said .... Oh shit, what was I saying? (Alice did not offend me, I am the author and I demand respect, although he admits they are a bit 'careless ...). Oh yeah that's it! Now remember, it was about the day like many others: in short, you know what I mean: the attacks of demons , Goku complained of hunger and Sanzo that certainly does not no problem to hit him on the head and Gojio ... (ah youth how much energy ... hey stop hitting me with your hand made harisen hurts're not Sanzo Ahio ... what the fuck). However, in the midst of our loving and experienced something like the picture usually is on the horizon to break the monotony of the day and of course who else but that pain in the ass, scassamaccheroni, Zurlo of Ukoku magician? And here and get it .... Ahio because now I've hit? EH FIC did I go wrong? ODDI you're right ... that harasses UKOKU Goku THE OTHER FanFic OOPS ... oh well ... then I wanted to say / BANG ... OO .. What is happening? I'll kill you! Sanzo- Nooo Shoot me because Venerable Sanz (PAUURA)? you perverted ugly turn of the century like you to think even qst things let alone to write! MY stupid monkey, is not undermined by Ukoku repeat MIA? you have so much desire to finish the other world! - Sanzo but this did not seem a question ... however Sanzo to Understand, you do not ever decide to give you a move and just to give you a little push ... who gave you permission to refer so ugly pitfalls of friendly monkeys? BANG BANG BANG-Sanz oh God help write fic I knew that I would risk my life, but I hoped at least to be able to finish writing ...)

Um ... then we take that day, something unexpected (which, as we have said is not Ukoku), murderous and utterly dangerous comes as a further test for the our boys ... ... ... ... ...

; ; A CAKE

uhauha Well you (as you say? It's not dangerous .. uh uh now you'll see).

"Hooray hooray! Hakkai Thanks, I can not wait to eat it ... it looks so inviting ... "said Goku jumping for joy while his stomach growling loudly, reminding everyone that the monkey had a constant hunger they face constant and imperishable.

"Come on Goku, hold, only the dough is ready, now to be put in the oven," he said, smiling Hakkai (strange smile) "hmm ... now that I think there was a What I have to do in the city so you could take care of buttering the baking pan and put in the oven .. how about Goku? should not be difficult because the oven is already on the right temperature and I will return cmq time before you burn the cake ... "

"We will not worry .. I'll think Hakkai imburrerò the pan to perfection .. ha ha I just got a bit of 'eat, "said Goku joyful

" Hey Hakkai I do I'll take something in town, "he said, rising slowly from his chair and carefully turning off the cigarette in the ashtray Gojio.

"ok then let's go"

"Hey!" Sanzo's voice stopped them a moment before they could exit

"Do not tell me that the venerable Sanzo decided that it will lower the level of the common populace and will come with us? "He asked with his usual sarcastic emphasis Gojio

" Tsk! cigarettes, "said Sanzo Hakkai launching at the legendary card Sanbutsushin (hey guys, if starting to India to stop the experiments Gyumao you pick a card with unlimited credit from me ... I book myself for SIII)

"Grr .. but we have taken for your slaves? Ugly ... "Hakkai Gojio was detained by a close tight enough to make it clear to him that if he did bother with the usual quarrels with Sanzo would kindly pointed out the many ways that you can use a knife peel potatoes for ... uh uh .. this invariably maintaining its patented smiling face slaps. "On Gojio go."

Goku while he was put to work, but when it came to him an idea.

"Hey Sanzo .. sanzooo "

" Tsk, what do you stupid monkey, you should not go to work? "

" Sanzo Well I was just thinking that we could do together, "he said pulling out one of his best smiles (and they are beautiful, Geez, if they are)

" What! I do not think even stupid to help you butter a baking dish, I am surprised that you be bothered to ask me stupid monkey "

" Let's go Sanzo but we never do anything together ... uh ... that is almost nothing but .. in short, oh well you understood what he meant Sanzo ... eh? eh eh .. "Continued in a plaintive voice the monkey by putting a little 'pout and pull it to the Monaco Sleeve (ah that bad for the Monaco Sleeve ... uh? OO)

" Stop bothering me and let me read the newspaper in peace, "said Sanzo snapped as usual Goku and not worth more than a glance.

But you know Goku has had three years of experience behind to temper the sharp tone of Sanzo and grumpy and does not let certainly throw down for so little ...

Sanzo's eyes turn to Sanzo with a surprised expression and a bit & rsquo ; irritated

"What's that mean?" asks savoring the soft and slippery texture of the thing that Goku had just put in hand, (OO since Goku has become so brazen? but no it's not malicious, what did you ... uh uh)

Goku smiled, one of his 32-tooth smiles, the kind that would give a piece of granite as Sanzo and prendeno himself a piece of butter size similar to what had just put in the hands of Sanzo goes to the pan cake ... (you saw what BUTTER BUTTER dirty eh)

"Tsk" Sanzo was about to get angry and hit the monkey with the harisen when touching the butter idea made its way in its head, h is a good idea (especially me) and decided that maybe there was a better way to punish his monkey who hit him with the harisen, a way that he liked so much more ...

while Goku had already turned towards the table, wondering what would be the best part from which to start and certainly did not expect you to feel squeeze from the arms of Sanzo, who drew back with an iron grip making it adhere to the body of Monaco, as to be able to feel the urgent erection of Sanzo against his back.

For a moment any thought emerged from the head of Goku, he could not think clearly when Sanzo hugs him like that, when he felt the smell so close ... but this time he tried to recover a minimum, accidents were in the kitchen and Gojio Hakkai and could return at any time and he liked to be seen from that of a perverted kappa while doing it, but most had a tremendous fear of the reaction that Hakkai could have had the sight of his own kitchen used for constructive activities so little .. ah fear, imagining Goku Hakkai's face that, despite the perpetual smile turn into a mask of anger was paralyzed by fear, which instantly took over the desire and a decisive move got rid of Sanzo, a step back to the table

"Sanzo short, what the hell's the matter? We are in the kitchen and what happens if there's Gojio and Hakkai? "Church of the monkey a little 'red in the face for the previous two types of close contact with the body of the monk

" Tse as if I cared anything of those two, will drive them out if they arrive via rather ... "Sanzo said, while one of his classic sorrsetti sarcastic and a bit 'unsettling, even disturbing the loooong cut the face" I think you are a very bad monkey, you do not know that we must not disobey his master ...? I am forced to punish you ... "

Goku tried to back off again, but with poor results because almost immediately the meeting table, feeling like a rat in a trap: Sanzo frightened him when he did so, he something like a hungry predator who throws himself on his prey, before they began that strange exchange would never have imagined that Sanzo could be so, er so hungry

Meanwhile, Sanzo Goku press it had reached against the table and passing a light hand on his face like a caress him, but had turned into a stranglehold on the chin of the young man who had forced him to raise his head and turn its gaze up at that time to be decided on the ground, straight in the eyes of the monk, who leaned toward him slowly up to his ear ...

"You've got my monkey, you're mine and I always take what I want regardless of the place and the time & hellip , "

It was Goku Sanzo, I knew it belonged to him, and he knew it was good to be Sanzo, only Well at that time the place was what it was and Goku did not want the case to fellow travelers would see him do it, well, he was a little frightened by their likely reaction, especially that of Hakkai ...

Meanwhile, Sanzo had started his own torture at the monkey, leaving small hot kisses on the neck, starting just behind the ear where it could be one of the weaknesses of Goku and touching every inch of skin, soft lips to his collarbone, then pleased to hear the Goku become more frequent breaths and panting, and her skin burn in every new touch, shooting to come forward following the road just made the his neck with his tongue, stopping occasionally biting the soft amber skin of his monkey or suck up to hear clearly the sweet taste and a bit 'salty, leaving the sign of his presence ... and in doing so felt the body of Goku tremble slightly, was already exciting and Sanzo knew he would not long resisted his refusal, he would soon be ready to be molded to his liking, he thought Sanzo retaining a satisfied smile.

Goku continue to tickle the tongue and small kisses along the curve of her neck, her hands went under her shirt back slowly from the waist to the boy's chest, alternating light lascivious caresses to move again more determined and strong, with two fingers until it began to rub and stimulate a nipple ... now he could already feel the rapid heartbeat and breathing monkey turn into real groans.

Sanzo slowly moved away from the young man's neck and looked up to see a clear expression of enjoyment which was hovering over the face of Goku, and his cheeks flushed with pleasure, then with a gesture faster Monaco took the shirt and gave it to Goku took off, throwing on the floor at their feet.

Sanzo could now enjoy the full view of the naked torso of Goku in all its glory: the bronze skin and perfect, so smooth and soft, strong yet lightweight line of muscles is definitely a nice view ... .

After a few moments of contemplation to the body of the monkey, during which Goku to Sanzo looked a bit 'surprised, not understanding the reason for the good behavior of the monk, the latter back to caress the body of goku , this time going down with his mouth on his chest and starting to outline precisely the form with his tongue, then suck it hard, so hard to pull out a little cry of pain at Goku, whose excitement was now clearly visible through the cloth of his trousers.

"Hey do you know that you Sanzo? you hurt me ... "groaned the monkey voice unconsciously sensual and exciting, while tears ran down very slowly in the right eye.

The sight was too much for Sanzo, as he asked himself mentally, there could be a creature so sexy without knowing it? In short his stramaledettissima innocence that did not raise him in the perversion, perversion that honestly did not think that they have ... the more the monkey is devoid of any malice, and so devoid of defense, the more he was seized by the desire to push the limits its nature is constantly finding new tricks to play sadistic with his monkey.

"I said no that I am taking what I like it when I want and no stupid monkey?" Said Sanzo Goku continued to lick with his tongue with one hand while stroking the erection evident from above pants.

Goku in the meantime had lost all power of resistance, did not mind it most of Hakkai Gojio of it, they could attack the demons at that time and he would give a damn No, in those moments a little lost 'the sense of identity itself felt only corpp of Sanzo and his desperate need of him, he wanted, he wanted so much to hurt him, hurt him and especially his little friend was there who was really too tight in the pants & hellip ; not stand, moaning uncontrollably now, without worrying about being more or less noisy, and I was always told him Sanzo .

But suddenly, that if the minimum expectations, let go on Sanzo du him and walked away a little. Goku as a reaction, almost unconsciously uttered a kind of indignant lament for the loss of body heat of Monaco and then looked surprised and a bit 'hit - just now beginning to .. Hmpf ...

"Sanzo why did you stop? "

" Let's say I do not like more ... "

"What after all you've done now you go outside that you do not want to, but I me ..." he continued in a plaintive voice Goku

Sanzo smiled inside, thinking it was very comfortable that his monkey did not even have a poo or of malice would have noticed just by looking at what was excited and could see that he was lying ... but it was not so much the better for him.

"What are you complaining about monkey? tsk, well I might as well make an effort this time, but you convince me ... "

Goku looked at him with an expression more surprised, now could not really understand accidents.

But Sanzo had caught his confusion and so decided to get a better understanding to be more clear: he opened the zip of his trousers and with a quick gesture freed his erect penis from the cloth of the panties. "Give me a blowjob monkey ..."

The boy did not understand exactly all the implications of the word "blowjob", but turned red as a tomato, because he still understood what Sanzo asked him to do, because that what he had done it to him sometimes, but well Goku had never done and was feeling a bit 'embarrassed ...

"then? "encouraged him to do any kind with the monk.

By the way, Goku is very much ashamed, but a little 'prey because of the excitement, a little' because of sex Sanzo was really good and he had always wondered how it would been in touch same way that Sanzo touched him, and it was decided to kneel, approached the prick Sanzo started licking at the base of the rod and back up, hoping not to mind making fool.

The penis of Monaco was hot and had a salty taste, he thought Goku as he continued to pass over the tongue, while helping with his hand.

"Lick the tip then take it all in bakasaru mouth" Sanzo said in a peremptory tone.

The young man obeyed, sucking the chapel and through the language most Sometimes the hole that was right on top, and when the Monaco began to moan louder, he took it completely in the mouth at a rate slow enough. But Sanzo was not enough and taking him by the hair, forced him to accelerate, pushing her head toward his erection and pushing the pelvis.

"Faster monkey, using more than one language"

Goku and Sanzo contented him shortly after he was inside his mouth, with a hoarse moan of pleasure.

The taste of semen Sanzo was not as if waiting for him: he was not bitter and tasted good, he really wanted to spit it out, really, but the monk looked at him with eyes of ice, ordered him to swallow.

What followed left the boy even more discouraged, since the Monaco was sitting on the table and appeared to have no intention of ending up with him, although at this point in his take taste mouth was really really excited.

"I Sanzooo ... well, you told me that .. if I did then you ... "

"Tsk're just a stupid monkey ... lustful say that I might be satisfied but I want you to pray for him, his voice full of desire ... if I like the way you do you'll settle ... "

(but then what does the butter you ask? and you're right I'm going to have patience for long hours and get there ... er ... Ahio perrchè hit me again? oh eh I ruined the moment? oh shit you're right, that bitch who are ok, sorry.)

Goku swallowed and after a moment of indecision, however, decided to please Sanzo "Sanzoo please I would love you to make love to me ..." he said as he took the red in her cheeks a shade of color more intense.

"Oh, no monkey do not think really get away with so little ... I want you to describe exactly what you want to do."

Now Goku began to feel really die from shame, but I really wanted too, and would done that too.

"Please enter Sanzo want you inside me with your cock" "So you want to slam, eh monkey?" Sanzo Yes please, "" Do you like my fuck you? "" You, without you Please do not take it anymore "

Sanzo finally decided to oblige, especially since beginning to be difficult for him to resist the charm persuasive than the monkey, and made him and turn so that the upper part of her body rested on the table and picked up the pieces of butter convict who flicked it all ... well in the end, it is normal that I thought wrong In this situation turns out to be really useful (ahem Sanzo see that you're not original at all, they do play in the film "Last Tango in Paris" SDENG Ahio because you hit me? I can only tell the truth author of shit fuck you that shit you pulled out the butter, then what you want I know that these movies ... fuck- Sanzo Sanzo is an interesting movie?? what is this?-Goku monkey do not worry, what I'm doing is much more interesting-Sanzo see? I told you so that you were a maniac number 1 ... BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG 'll kill you, one more word and you open a ventilation hole in the gourd-Sanzo OO guys but Sanzo was not a bad looking? I do not xchè gray stuff is leaking from the head)

Ah anyway, whatever happens the show must go on ... The Monaco takes the butter between your fingers and then insert them one by one into the small slot of Goku , which now begins to feel really hot.

After using a good dose of butter (as Goku lately he has always complained of pain after sex) Sanzo's slightly widens the buttocks with a sharp and penetrating the boy, making out a scream of Please ...

"Sanzo .. yes .. is "repeated the blonde pushed Goku while you were growing faster and more powerful

" Tsk're just a monkey noisy

Sanzo started pumping sex with Goku hand while pushing strokes faster and faster inside of him ... get inside the monkey caused always a great pleasure, was narrow and always warm and had to make a big effort not to get in and push him forcefully without restraint.

few minutes later, their bodies still entwined between them, the young demon came, releasing all his seed on the kitchen table, followed shortly after by Sanzo and with a groan of pleasure released the hot liquid into the body of the monkey, then pause to look out from his slit just broke away from the sight of him ... really excited him so much.

"Tse stupid monkey see what a mess you've done, clean up everything before it gets Hakkai" Sanzo said with his usual lack of tact. Goku is a fact that there was really bad and tears began to fall from his golden eyes, "You're always mean to me Sanzo, it is not right ... not that I expect you to be sweet, but you treat me badly and not even a kiss you gave me ... and I love you but sometimes I think you just use me ... sigh "

The sight was too much for self-Sanzo that you know is not the most ironclad (BANG cock yet? but I can only tell the truth ... look what you've done to my poor hair sighsigh thanks that they were stupid female hair-Sanzo)

He walked the face of Goku and after having whispered "You're a stupid monkey," he bent down to kiss him, before a light kiss on the lips, and then joined with his tongue in her mouth and savor the flavor.

"Sanzo Um ... what I feel on the leg Do not think what I think is not it?"

"What do you say?"

" But as yet? "asked the little boy now a bit 'worried

"Tsk is your own fault monkey ... Gettin '

" But I have not done anything ... "but the protest of Goku was nipped in the bud by the pressure on the lips of monaco his, and his hand came back to tighten its sex ... and so the second round (yeah ... what I like the voyeur-whispered so that corrupt monk can not hear me ...)

Goku now had just cleared the table, after the little meeting between him and Sanzo was still quite marked, which had also taken a long time considering that Sanzo had not lifted a finger (as it is lazy and slakers our venerable Sanzo ... I'll kill you OO), and was finally put to butter the pan, really disturbing when a particular struck him: THE BUTTER WAS OVER ... IT WAS WELL AND HAS A spit WAS ADVANCED, you after that without the word he used in that way .. now what? now what? Hakkai would be angry ... oh fuck ... Goku was terrified.

"Sanzo ..."

"What are you stupid monkey?"

"We have a problem ..."

& ldquo ; That? "

" Butter is over and Hakkai is coming back ... if it kills us as we discover? "

" Use what little is left and slaps the pan in the oven in a hurry "even though he did not want to Sanzo admits now it was a bit 'worried

" Sanzo Sa ... but what you have left after you ... .. well in short I do not know if it's a good idea "

" Hush "SDENG SDENG SDENG, a boost of bursts poured on the head of the poor that Goku could not help but obey.

"Damn I just can not understand why the cake has stuck to the pan, and yet there was so much butter and you have used all of Goku ... hmmm .. it's strange, "said Hakkai perplexed while passing a hand through his hair.

"haha you will not even eat butter stupid monkey, you're a vacuum cleaner" the mocking laughter Gojio

"No I have not eaten that stupid cockroach red ... do you take me? "

" Come on it does not matter, just a little scratch 'the bottom, do not worry Goku. "Hakkai said, with his perpetual smile on his face

"Noo .. that is, I mean, really ... so you better throw it is burned, it may not be good "Goku was scrambling, but I really did not want friends eat that cake ... well considering where it was butter that was spread on the baking sheet ...

Gojio Hakkai and Goku looked like it was a strange beast, or an alien who had seized the body of the little monkey and was now trying to trick you, in short, was that Goku, he had no problems even eat things fall to the ground ... and now refusing food just because a little 'burnt: incredible.

Hakkai was really to start to worry about, when suddenly he noticed some strange red spots on the neck of Goku, and then stood up and approached slowly looked at more carefully

"Hakkai Hey what are you doing?"

"But these are ..." at the sharp mind of Hakkai did not take long to put two and two: they were pacifiers & hellip , and yes I had many hours explaining things, like the subtle change in behavior that he had warned of Monaco and the slight blush that sometimes took possession of Goku no reason ...

"Hey Goku is not , who happened to have asked Sanzo to help you butter the pan? "

"Er is really here, but I wanted to say that ..."

A sharp enough anger began to take possession of the demon ... I mean he did not care that some Sanzo and Goku had that type of relationship, but that they had permission to take this crap in her kitchen and finally the butter cake for only God knows what ... and considering what goku was reluctant to let him eat the cake meant that something must be done in & hellip ;

A strange aura began to radiate from the body of the demon, killing an aura, "What have you dared to do and Sanzo in my kitchen?"

Goku was now officially very scared .. "Please forgive me Hakkai was Sanzo to insist, I told him it was a bad idea ... "

Suddenly Gojio also had the light, followed by a moment of shock and profound identity crisis: it was the Monaco the stupid monkey? OO if the beat? Oh God no, could not believe it ... had to have tests .

"Ah damn scimmiaccia not believe it unless I see it ..."! and with a violent gesture tore the shirt to Goku, just right to see the sign of a bite around the nipple of the boy, too well defined: they did not need a test for dental Footprint understand that this was a perfect reproduction of the teeth of Monaco ... Not only that corrupt monk you beat the monkey, but it was also nice sadistic OO

Meanwhile Sanzo went ... just to see Gojio astride on Goku, who was in torso naked. Something in the brain of Monaco snapped and dumped a whole magazine on the victim, "You traitor ugly perverted monkey others ... I cucirà a scarf with red hats that your mass of"

"but hey that comes to mind corrupt monk ... I unlike you do not care beat the monkeys ... "but the victim could not finish the sentence that Sanzo rebuked him for his target shooting.




; ; ; Hakkai

Hakkai ERA Mad like a snake, EH AND YES ... He was holding one of those .. KNIFE PEELER Yes, that ...

What happened next is not hard to imagine (but not kill them, fortunately there ... who else would so much more fun?)


Thanks to everyone who has the patience to put up with this insanity with open eyes, I wanted to also thank my best friend Alice (who gave me the idea for the fic, while preparing a cake) and Julius (who invented this beautiful and evocative title) to whom I also dedicate this my very first fanfic .... We hope for the best.


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