Monday, April 6, 2009

Best Way To Camo A Boat

The misfortune of the weekend!

Finally the much awaited holidays of Easter! Boys do not seem real, they are almost full of emotion, I said almost because, of course, during this pause for about a week, I will not only be studied by school, but I will also work on the dissertation. The very thought disgusts me and I do not know how to sweeten the pill, any suggestions from your file? However, today I leave you another piece of fan fiction comic-crazy that I wrote in 15 years. I know I'm posting to star once every blue moon, but if I have time only when he dies I can not do anything about it (unless I'm going to kill Pope every day lol).

I always remember that this story is a homosexual theme (right background). If you do not like, raise your Chapet this live! Danke! \u0026lt;3

- But what is it? - Asked an employee to a colleague, pointing to a long red trail on the floor, the other shrugged, shaking his head.

-then we see where it leads, "said the other, beginning to follow the trail; through various departments, from time to time apologizing to customers for any "clashes".

increasingly confused and curious, they passed the bathroom door, there stood, looking doubtful.

-What can we do? - A church.

-Boh not know ... Maybe we should go ... -

"But I do not want to enter. I stink rather 'what is ! -

-Even me. Sorry, I could not help myself, I ran away. You know, the beans from my mother ... -.

The other, eyes wide, he disgusted expression, pulling a slap to my colleague, I-Idiot referring to the red trail! And if there is a dead ?! -

-Ma goes there! - Then the other replied, rubbing the point offended.

Taking a deep breath, both went into the bathroom, turning on the light that was strangely off, looking down on the floor, they saw that the trail led to one of the cubicles.


No, because I go there I ?! -

Because if

- say no to the boss that you screwed last week a package of cash from the three big bubble-

-not true! You are a spy! -

-In extraordinary cases such as these do! Now go! Come on, come on! -

Calmly-eh! - The poor man replied, cautiously approached the door of the cubicle, followed by the other, which was held at a safe distance.

Open the door ...

-AAAAAHHHHH- shouted one in front.

-AAAAAHHHHH- cried behind the wheel.

A small boy, eyes wide open, near the toilet was pouring with dyed red shirt, the chest, a knife stained with the same liquid, close your other hand.

The two embraced colleagues, looking shocked at the scene.

One of them, making swallowing loudly and courage, he approached the lifeless body of the child and I crouched down next to it, trembling as he was to reach out to the face of the corpse, too dirty for what was to be blood, the latter sprang forward, growling loud and then falling back, helpless.

The two gentlemen, scared to death, run screaming, running by the Director.

After five minutes, the two returned, followed by the fact that their leader's face was drawn very skeptical and annoyed expression, from the fact that on the ground, there was no trace of the wake had mentioned his employees that he had shouted it first, opened the back door of the cubicle and found it empty, neat and clean.

The Director beat while his right foot impatiently on the ground, repeatedly, was to take action.


-Did you see their faces? - squeaked Will laughing uproariously, while his brother nodded, proud of himself when it takes a commitment, he was a genius.

-What stupid, there are waterfalls in full! Luckily we were able to clean all-time ! -.

The brother nodded, satisfied, while turned a corner,-But now what? I'm already bored! -

-Will Patience, patience ! Now we invent something! - Tim replied with an amused tone, eyeing the bathrooms again.

-I think I had an idea! Come on, now I'll explain! -


-Etciù ! -

-Ssshhh is silence or else we find! -

-Excuse me, but they are ... are ... are ... Etciù ! Soaking wet! -

-Shut up! - rebuked him for the last time the greater.

The bathroom door opened with a squeak, and closed again with a thud; footsteps echoed in the empty bath, followed shortly afterwards by a cheerful whistle.

The sound of a belt undone and a zip down , wash it all down.

could not help laughing.

dominates the toilet for a moment the whistling man, who, very cheerful, went to the taps to wash their hands.

A yawn interrupted his melodic, while resting his foot on the pedal and pushing ...

A cascade of water swept him in full mouth wide open, drenching from head to foot.

The man began to spit on the right and left, coughing violently and repeatedly falling awkwardly on the wet floor.

The two brothers had to do violence to keep from laughing.

The poor unfortunate got up from the ground with his butt sore and went straight yarn from the bath, more angry than ever.

The unfortunate victims were followed by many; customers surprised and frightened at the sight of people that came out of my head the bathroom, there were many.

Women were screaming like crows with smudged makeup and hair ammosciati and continually slipping on her heels, running away of the "mysterious and evil" toilet.

Men completely drenched, not to say they had participated in a marathon.

Grannies with arthritis and lumbago that blasphemed similar to Turkish, while brandishing the stick (or purse, as the cases) walking by way of the sword & hellip ;

The bathroom, for that day, was quarantined by the Director, strange legends were born on the "toilet damn mall down the street" more commonly known as ... supermarket.


- I have found ... final - the words died in his throat, if he felt it! He had heard in the very bones! I knew, damn, he knew ! Never once that something strange were happening to them, NEVER! Heck, as God had known from the outset, even if did not know yet what !

-What the hell have combined this time eh?! - Snapped, and changing his tone from head to foot like small flying insects, but began to queue at the checkout.

-No ... - Tim replied vaguely, looking around casually, but his feet had formed a pool of rose water, because of the clothes stained with ketchup.

-Yeah, no ... - echoed her brother, helping to exaggerate the pool, with a bump on his head if he did a fine show.

uncle looked at them carefully, pinned him to a speech .

[Continue ...]


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