Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cervix Low And Hard 7dpo

Frederick said coil Gnicche

Who among us has not heard, even once, the names certain outlaws as Billy the Kid, Butch Cassidy, Jesse James and other gunmen as Calamity Jane, Buffalo Bill, Wild Bill Hickok? But if I told you Chiavone, transporters, Ninco Nance, u 'Zambri, Salvatore Giuliano what you would think?

to me until a few minutes doing absolutely nothing. Then I checked and found that they were all those bandits that operated in the late nineteenth or early twentieth century. Some had politicized the others were mere thieves and murderers, but they all share one characteristic: the myth. The people of that time, in fact, have felt the need to romanticize the lives of real criminals, and this says a lot about their conditions. (Personal note: the world should have gone forward today, but right now I'm not sure that much).

of fame I know of only one coil Frederick Gnicche said, the robber that has raged in my province from 1864 to 1871. But today I came across a poem in octave rhyme that comes to him and I decided to keep it in my lj. If you know, or have found work in the dialect of the robbers of your areas or on other issues, please let me know: I really like certain subjects.

If Apollo assist my mind,
order to sing Octave rhyme,
And with the help of Jesus and Mary
will arrive at the top of the topic, I hope it will be time
throw it away,
Although not fei stories, this is the first, life and death story and
there refines the misuse of a young
rio destiny.

Frederic Bobin,
Exactly principle by little walk, a countryman is
fe 'citizen
And with his father in Arezzo, andiede to stay.
This guy is like the thorn, sharp
born to want to drill and
door pocket knife made cracks,
For Gnicche nickname was called.

If you touch it, however, gives you the goodies,
E to 'fifteen years still has not reached
loves flowers, diamonds and spades, hearts, and
for play little or no sleep,
Vestir would be rich people;
E' as greedy the cat around the anointed
you want to be so well, but you do art?
Manual and beadle from paretai.

not have to do and never works ...
Gnicche gets idle for Arezzo
One day he entered the house to some shopkeepers,
took a woman to four rings and a necklace,
Oure which the body does not suffer from ever ... For
vices sells cheap,
The game, makes a half, and then all
And soon the remains wallets dry.

Gnicche penniless as bad! Neither
to make them suited to the business, and takes the father of
sweat the result. And other stuff
house sells them to him;
increasingly sees the bad throw was
The father, strong and picks it up,
Gnicche It means right, and we question,
And instead of silence ... the stick. The prosecution

the Court, and not songs,
And it does conviction for four months;
He escapes justice and goes to Cortona, and throws himself
banned in those countries. And there
injures more than one person, He
revolver, a gun and other tools, Always looking for more
the police;
With other criminals should be in good company.

Always turns there in Santa Maria, Santa
Firmina, San Zeno and Sarge,
The soldiers arrested by the way:
looks like a lion, it seems not as a Christian: Where
buttock, the skin wears away,
It hurts them and run them out of hand,
So he respected as donkeys,
Then he went to the Castle and to Anghiari.

He always goes by the rich and wants money,
In the Chiana Valdarno and Casentino,
who resists him not of the quarry,
Why do some kissing Santino. Although
poor dear has friends;
all'aretina Back Often,
and again went well montura
the comedy and walk to the lawn.

A stripped the unfortunate woman,
The scrambled, but not fe 'wound
All of the clothes she was wearing.
game had to go dancing.
all they said:-A woman is crazy!
fled to the house naked and terrified,
can not speak, because they lack the breath
And then said, "Gnicche stripped me ...

One day in a cafe is the brazen
Gnicche And there is the Mayor to sit
Greets him and goes to the right side,
I know? Wants to know who I am?
Fo Mayor ancor'io
And many have taxed more than you I do my duty,
Why has taxed even the low people,
And I rate the gentlemen only! ...

Gnicche greets him and leave early,
And the Mayor said, "To see him again!
And then demand of all those people
Is it just that Mayor brothel.
us the Gnicche, they said, of course, Sor
Mayor, do not look that nice,
was astonished, and he drops the cup,
Gnicche And after he fled to Paris in the Square.

What does Cotesta head crazy
Go to the Houses on by these gentlemen, I
salutan everyone, and thank you, I do not know if
fe 'interests and went out.
Then he goes into the house of a priest and not the kill,
said, "You are the most powerful of the Priors,
Gnicche I am, and yes I must say,
from her tonight ... I want a thousand pounds!

I do not have a penny, he began,
Gnicche My dear, did not have to anger,
In three days I will have them, you can come.
Gnicche said:-I give the maid a pledge!
and the Priest: Rather vo 'die
But my maid did not you hand it over!
In all ways the case is desperate,
The counted francs, and took away the mandate. A vigil

want to go, who is in love with a girl of Santa
What to vent his passions ever gave.
was advised of the force and the chains.
a farmer that the wine had alloppiato,
slept there in the country after dinner,
Gnicche It could not get to trot, and bound him in
sixteen or eighteen.

The lead him hither suddenly seems a thousand years in prison
among many scoundrels,
Who holds it above and those below,
Who supports it and who's behind the front.
-Here it is our patriotism!
Then they said to all of Arezzo:
Detained was placed by an army, and the session
soon ready.

For the first sentence that was given
Put yourself in the house of power for seven years,
Then there is another reason for
separate conviction of theft and other damage;
Then there is what has never granted,
What the soldiers tore the skin and clothes, hundreds of little things
Finally ... Gained
has run the pan for retirement!

There is another person who is not apparent,
There was a guard told the jailer,
Gnicche who speaks softly and does not bark,
He said: "Do not you have the ball a penny, if I open
you would surely have almost bushels;
Alfin buy it and open the little door behind s'affila
And even the companions
do not know what the jailer earnings.

There I can tell if you beat the heels!
speedily pass over the walls
Secondin lest any of you complain.
not to give promises and vows
It is three days between the spots and the chestnut trees,
He may have done lots ... and then ensures
About busting rat to the narrowest street, and there
panioni the plant and the owl.

the Tribunal returns with great haste,
With the hope of being forgiven. At
apology is not given a straight
Comandan it will be soon prisoner.
And he throws himself on his knees again,
It says, "I was betrayed and attacked!
against forces does not help the reason,
not believe and goes to jail.

Immediately s'armaron thousand people escaped from the cage
Why Gnicche
some here, some there, soldiers in procession,
To Replace battery in the bird cage. But I will say
Gnicche its intention
the farmer who watches with great anger.
Behind a hill with a gun in his hand
there at his house, under Sarge.

with his brothers to put it gently, and
relatives and friends in one day festival
Senton dir:-Stop there, sad clown,
And who does not have to mind you that the head! They see
Gnicche with a gun in his hand
Everyone gives a leg to escape Leste:
took it to aim at, is short and well lit
The buttock with two balls and relax.

Rimbuca in the car, then means
Gnicche What is at Castel Fiorentino Cortona
Go down there to do business.
Be careful; employs undertaker.
treat a woman and makes us snacks.
One day he said that close to such a
Do not Fidar of the pregnant woman to make you fall
That gives you a pint.

Soon to be hard to find with grit,
He said, "Who teaches you to be a spy
Woman lying, cheating and faking it?
He gives her a shot of the killing and then goes away.
the Tribunal visited the woman extinct
gives every way in order to soldiers
Gnicche knows that the ever more beautiful:
And the worst fans prepare cells.

now doubled the sentries,
Gnicche For the sea is always a great storm.
He pulls back and is not afraid of them,
not believed to have the bird on the bough.
It is saying:-Who presses the skin.
this or the shotgun and revolver in his pocket! If not I shall conceal
strongly arrival
When I die without a blood!

How many people are no longer write for
Death, injury and put in great fear,
but for those who give is not evil,
puts all the lights in burial.
Poor, desperate and almost
arrival (The pear is ripe it falls quickly)
expect to make a dinner keto keto
In the house of a farmer Tegoleto.

Keep this stuff? tells him in secret, that I'll be back
near midnight,
Shut up and when you get back from Oliveto
Fa 'that these foods are cooked! Bada
that wine does not have vinegar,
Because I want the best barrel. Roast
put these pigeons,
What you eat the beard of an idiot.

Three soldiers, looking for other villains,
the evening, walking in that direction, they found some smoke in
said a soldier who was already art:
-Let 's see who is master of this smoke!
Or is there a dinner or play cards! Log in
home and seek out what they found:
He said to himself: Cat-hatching there!

to question the farmer test:
-If you do this the kitchen?
-You see them fo I do not feel good and it should be:
For the deeds that will be tomorrow! The soldier does not renew
and scale the peak times,
The farmer sees the soldiers leave, warning that unfortunate

The Gendarme, and prepare
He's in the hall, and two in the hut,
Exits the mother with her daughter at the side, To warn
Gnicche everyone vapor their pursuits, Ei
all the bold has run presented a
go back to the sentence.
-Be silent and not uneasy,
Both were at home to make supper! Here

Gnicche s'infrena booing them. And as
s'avventan can be taken.
cried, "Help comrades! High lena
with punches and kicks you put the defense on every soldier
, Gnicche hits and leads
Three hundred meters carries them for the taking.
Repeats: "Help, friends, this war! A soldier's mouth
Gnicche emissions.

nell'ammanettarlo But it unleashes
And the attackers in the hand a bit;
The soldier fainted and fell to the ground,
On a finger cut off the flesh and bone. As a good
ago, but who does not err,
Run ... then jumps a bridge and take the plunge;
But a trooper pulls in the kidney,
Gnicche said, "Bravo well done!

Gnicche said:-I must die here! Call
soldier with humble words:
Now they believe that death is, and does not help
revolver or rifle.
I leave the clock and pockets full,
And the shotgun and revolver and style, you m'abbia
Although beaten and killed
I forgive you ... and wait for you in Paradise!

Said the soldier:-It will be very indecisive,
you will not be worthy of the eternal Kingdom;
St. Peter will not want to see you in the face,
Who knows you do not reject hell, Why didst
star always divided
From Law of God and government! ... And
Gnicche die in peace and should,
promises to the soldier's remains.

I're freezing the blood in my veins When a Christian makes
MISUSE death.
Gnicche said, breathing in those penis-
The die will be a lot to me!
do not know if in twenty-eight fe 'never good,
session will have the Celestial Court. Where
leads idleness and vice,
We'll see everyone on the day of Judgement. They want the

Aretin that address, and reported on
Arezzo Cemetery,
Although beaten so precipitously,
And there were already so much despair. Here
Fò end and not harbor prejudice,
quest'istoria conclude and close the hand, every one of
If I'm wrong you forgive him, Son of Ponte
Burian, Giovanni Fantoni.

killings, imprisonment and death of Frederick said coil Gnicche
Giovanni Fantoni


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