Monday, March 30, 2009

First Auditions Preview

Hello. My name is Neville Longbottom, a Gryffindor and are full of fears. (2nd year) The Muse

Here we are with the second part of this fan fiction. I am sick, I had a high fever, I have bronchitis, colds and sore throats then take pity on me otherwise I will be patient and know where you live and I will kill you all. I love you \u0026lt;3

As always, the warning to the ignorant, this is fan fiction themed HOMOSEXUAL. If you do not like, they give up. Thanks!

I hope you like it, enjoy!

Hello. My name is Neville Longbottom, a Gryffindor and are full of fears.

Hogwarts, the second year, 21 November 19XX.

Hours: 5:00 pm

Dear Diary ...

saint are the ones who invented the Christmas holidays (which was once again the genius that was merlin? For posterity will judge!). I can not own more! A few weeks of effort and then you go on vacation! I must say that here at school, the current climate is not very Christmas. It is ok, takes a cold Executioner and the park is covered with snow (and my hands are freezing to sit here on the steps of the entrance, but at least this cold weather there's no one around and I can have a bit 'of peace) but ... strange things are happening and panic seems to have taken possession of the majority of the people. I should not be here out of only if a professor discovered I get into trouble. Since the crime happened, the big bosses insist that we all go around in groups. I find it silly, because if I go out alone just cracks me if I go around with another cracked both of them. No? Why certainly I'm not able to defend myself, let alone someone else. And if that someone else is busy defending me, how does he defend himself? And if he defends himself, can not defend myself! In short, the crux of the matter is that eventually we will run away the dead anyway. Although, to be honest, not exactly. Ah, but that stupid, so far I have not told what is happening: a bit 'of time now rumor that there is a dark presence in the school who goes around to petrify people, actually not it's just a rumor, since the cat was found almost Gazza doornail. After this incident, which occurred are also other small isolated incidents but the faculty tries to keep everything in the dark so as not to worsen the situation of panic, pressing, even by parents, now. My grandmother says that being a Gryffindor, I should take matters in hand and have the courage to stay in school and face the person responsible should you meet him. I already know that the only thing I could do, would escape. Or maybe not, maybe I find myself tripping over my own feet ... I'm just scared for a soft jelly. However, after the cat, there were other victims, I know because I heard that Harry said to Ron (I do not know how, but Harry always seems to know everything about everyone, sometimes it scares me and it is natural wonder if he knows how many times is' the bathroom Snape. Again, if there is one there. Do not we would see the prey of physiological needs. Bleeeah , Neville remove the image immediately! I forbid you to think of something new kind! Yuck!). Anyway ... in the words of my grandmother can be persistent, I have a damned thing afraid of this because I already experienced the feeling of being petrified. Do you remember when last year (school year, huh) I wrote that I was surprised Harry, Ron and Hermione sneak out of the dormitory late at night? Yes yes just that. Hermione has petrified me to stop me hold them back. I tried to be punched, if I remember, and I'm sure I must have looked very threatening, but they obviously know how to be more threatening to me. That pizza. But this now has nothing to do. I would much rather complain about the hours of the Slytherins potions and attitude toward me (yes, complain, because I have more confident if not you, diary. Harry is a very available, it is true, but always seems lost in his own world and does not seem exactly the kind of person with no problems. I mean, we know all its misfortunes and poison with my boring daily life would make me feel even more insignificant). Diary, if last year the beginning, I was excited about this school now ... now I still am, but only when they are in the company of my ... Friends? I venture to call them. You can not understand how much I suffer daily humiliation from those damned if they take advantage because they know that I can not respond (not react know) to their provocations. Stupid, clumsy, fat and unable to spell even the most basic. According to me it was simply a divine grace that has managed to get to the second year. Merlin loves me up there! But not enough to stop Malfoy & Company of further complicating my physical appearance, on my magical abilities and motor skills and my intelligence. You say I take too into account the opinion of others? You may be right, but at least the creator gave me a good sense of humor, enough to be able to afford to tease yourself and take it all a joke (because there would be only to cry). I wish someone would tell me that maybe this is the highlight of my , the fact that even if they are demoralized in (for many reasons, not just my ineptitude, and you know it) I try not to show it and I am committed to maximum anyway. I try to always smile at everyone, takes advantage of my faults to make people laugh that I love (and I know that they are not mocking laughter), I try to be available to help. Maybe I to be a Hufflepuff, but Seamus told me and I was not able to give him all wrong. But now I'm here, are at stake. So let's dance (no, better not, someone could get hurt!). Diary, but now I come inside, begins to make far too cold and I no longer feel your face or hands. I promise I'll write soon, okay?

PS Today I met him. Again. Well sure, we had potions, it was impossible to miss. I think it's a very strange, you know? He does not talk, does not join the his friends when it comes to teasing someone, do not socialize. It's not that I'm always looking at him, eh, but for someone like me is easy to see these things. It is easy to notice them when a group of Slytherin alone surrounds you in the hall and is the only one not persecute him. Yet I believed that he, more than anyone, she hated me. Not that stupid episode of the first year, when I finished him (and I think I still have not forgiven him) but because every time I stumble or every time that I can not react to the nastiness of Malfoy, I look terrible. It is as if you would transmitting its ... blame? I do not know diary. The fact is that I feel uncomfortably vulnerable in that look and feel the urge to scream, 'Hey, but who gives you the right to look at me like that?!'. But in the end I never do, I'm too afraid. That guy makes me anxious, in his perpetual silence, as if acting in the shadows. Or perhaps, are only affected by the incidents that are happening in school.

PPS When he turned around but I have had the courage to give him a rude gesture, eh eh eh ! They are too strong.

[Continue ...]

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Free Club Nintendo Point

At school I enrolled in a course in poetry. I admit to having done so only to skip some lessons to the poetry I have never had nor do I believe it will develop an interest in particular in the future. Our teacher is a person accustomed to the world of poetry, which has also published books of poetry for those who are curious to read his work, his name is Ugo Magnanti. Returning to the crux of the matter, during these courses I was told by the same professor that I have a particular ability to write poems and so far, are the best of the course. I have no problem to write this thing, although I am probably going to the 'superb', and if a person has skills I do not see why it should not applaud. And 'doing the right figure of the modest person? I think not. Instead, I believe, that when one is aware of his abilities, he has a duty to cultivate them and also pointed out, be proud of the fact. It is not a matter of pride, is a question of 'how things are, that's all'. However, I never knew nothing of poetry, verse, verses, rhymes, no nothing. When I started the course I knew nothing, and even now I do not know anything, because the professor did not explain the structure of a poem, but how to write a poem, what we have to abandon us, as we write. The poems of today no longer follow the patterns of the past, so it is necessary to respect all the rules that we study poetry in school, you have to give just a musical performance of some verses. At the end of the year the best entries in a competition and have to read three poems in front of the whole school. So that aspect of the question worries me a little and I tried to retire Magnanti from the course but do not want to hear excuses, definitely want to participate in the competition (I do not know what is at stake, certainly not money, alas). At the very least I will read my poems to someone else. If I had before me a mature audience that can understand the meaning of the event and what the participants are about to read, without giving way to ridicule and various offenses, I would not have trouble reading my poems. I'm not afraid of confrontation, I gladly accept any constructive criticism if it were. But what can you expect from a crowd of jocks ranging from 14 to 18 years? I have not the will to fight to try to enter something intelligent in those pumpkins, I do not want to respond to their insults, and then wash my hands. Or at least I would! Sometimes I feel like an outsider among my peers, because of my maturity, the kind of thinking is rational and consistent. Here, however, recover my first poem Magnanti greatly appreciated, and he says that the poems do not need an intro explaining the main idea, topic, then I'll just post it, leaving room for Your guess! Hope you like best:)

The Muse

E 'with the beat
obvious that slides almost sensual
salt and a hand
complained but as the honey in winter.
emerges from the stomach
the invincible joy
space blue, then red and
still green;
know that does not grasp the moment when my day

burns with silver and I recommend its existence.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Table Seating Chart Images

Saiyuki anime

Just today I found myself doing a marathon of the anime Saiyuki, and I must say that is not bad although there is no comparison with the manga, the second part on Homura nonstante invented was not bad at all.
The funniest thing was that as I watched him there was also my grandmother, who at one point upset by the number of times without being called stupid monkey Goku I asked the reason: crazy! How to explain to my grandmother that Sanzo has a funny way to express his feelings?